首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition >Treatment of acute diarrhea with Saccharomyces boulardii in infants.

Treatment of acute diarrhea with Saccharomyces boulardii in infants.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine whether an oral treatment with a commercial pharmaceutical product containing Saccharomyces boulardii would reduce the duration of diarrhea in infants with acute diarrhea. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In the present double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 186 infants, 6 to 48 months old and hospitalized within 72 hours after the onset of acute diarrhea in 2 hospitals in Goiania, Goias, Brazil, were randomly assigned to receive twice per day for 5 days 200 mg of a commercial pharmaceutical product containing 4 x 10 viable cells of S boulardii or a placebo. Stool samples were submitted to search for rotavirus. Among the 176 infants who completed the trial, those treated with S boulardii (90) showed a reduction in diarrhea duration (P < 0.05) when compared with the placebo group (86). RESULTS: The present study shows a reduction in diarrhea duration when S boulardii was given to children within 72 hours after the onset of acute diarrhea. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests a complementary treatment of acute diarrhea in infants with daily oral doses of S boulardii.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是确定口服含有博来酵母菌的商品药物的口服治疗是否会减少急性腹泻婴儿的腹泻持续时间。患者和方法:在目前的双盲,安慰剂对照研究中,随机分派了巴西戈亚斯州戈亚尼亚的2家医院中的186名6至48个月大婴儿,并在急性腹泻发作后72小时内住院。每天两次,共5天200毫克的市售医药产品,其中含有4 x 10个S boulardii活细胞或安慰剂。粪便样本被提交以搜寻轮状病毒。在完成该试验的176名婴儿中,与安慰剂组(86)相比,接受S boulardii治疗的婴儿(90)腹泻持续时间减少了(P <0.05)。结果:本研究显示,在急性腹泻发作后72小时内给儿童服用Sularus可使腹泻持续时间减少。结论:本研究建议每日口服口服S boulardii补充治疗婴儿急性腹泻。



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