首页> 外文期刊>Journal of oral pathology and medicine: Official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology >Dental mutilations and associated alveolar bone pathology in African skulls of the anthropological skull collection, Charite, Berlin.

Dental mutilations and associated alveolar bone pathology in African skulls of the anthropological skull collection, Charite, Berlin.


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BACKGROUND: Dental mutilations (DM) were and are still common among people in Africa. The purpose of this study was to examine DM in 33 skulls from Cameroon, which have been collected around the turn of the 20th century (anthropological collection, Berlin Museum of Medical History). MATERIALS AND METHODS: From the files of the museum, locations and/or tribal origin were recorded. DM classification described by De Almeida was used (1957). RESULTS: DM of the inverted V-shaped type was most common (30.3%). Pulp exposure was seen in 10 cases (30.3%). Periapical ostitis/radicular cysts were seen in nine cases (27.3%). General loss of alveolar bone was seen in all cases with a marked loss of the maxillary anterior labial alveolar bone plate in six cases (18.2%). CONCLUSIONS: DM may result in alveolar bone pathology characterised by inflammatory changes such as periapical ostitis or formation of radicular cysts.
机译:背景:残废在非洲人中很普遍。这项研究的目的是检查喀麦隆33具头骨的DM,这些头骨是在20世纪初左右收集的(人类学收藏,柏林医学史博物馆)。材料和方法:从博物馆的档案中,记录位置和/或部落起源。使用De Almeida描述的DM分类(1957)。结果:倒V字型糖尿病最常见(30.3%)。有10例(30.3%)可见纸浆暴露。 9例(27.3%)可见根尖性骨炎/根尖囊肿。在所有病例中均观察到牙槽骨的总体缺失,其中6例(18.2%)的上颌前唇牙槽骨板明显缺失。结论:糖尿病可能导致以炎症改变为特征的牙槽骨病理,例如根尖周炎或根尖囊肿的形成。



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