首页> 外文期刊>Journal of orthopaedic research >Three-dimensional repositioning tasks show differences in joint position sense between active and passive shoulder motion

Three-dimensional repositioning tasks show differences in joint position sense between active and passive shoulder motion


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Proprioception is important in maintaining shoulder joint stability. Previous studies investigated the effects of unconstrained multiplanar motion, with subjects able to move freely in space, on repositioning tasks for active shoulder motion but not passive motion. We sought to further explore joint position sense with 3D passive, robot-guided motions. We hypothesized that target repositioning error would be greater in the case of passively placed targets than for actively placed targets. To investigate, 15 healthy individuals participated (8 female, 7 male), who were at most 6 ft (183 cm) tall to accommodate the equipment, and who had no history of shoulder injury, surgery, or significant participation in throwing sports. Target orientations were centered at 44° of elevation and 32° of horizontal rotation from the frontal plane. Two sets of 10 trials were performed. The first set involved active placement followed by active replacement, and the second set involved passive, robot-guided, placement followed by active replacement. Repositioning error was greater following passive placement than active placement (p < 0.001). These results further our understanding of the differences between active and passive joint position sense at the shoulder.
机译:本体感受对于维持肩关节稳定性很重要。先前的研究调查了无约束的多平面运动对受检者能够在空间中自由移动的影响,这些运动对主动肩膀运动而非被动运动的重新定位任务具有影响。我们试图通过3D被动,机器人引导的动作来进一步探索关节位置感。我们假设被动放置的目标比主动放置的目标的目标重新定位误差更大。为了进行调查,共有15位健康个体(8位女性,7位男性)参加了调查,这些人身高最高6英尺(183厘米),可以容纳设备,并且没有肩部受伤,外科手术或大量参加投掷运动的历史。目标定向的中心是与额平面成的仰角44°和水平旋转32°。进行了10组试验的两组。第一组涉及主动放置,然后进行主动替换,第二组涉及被动,机器人引导的放置,然后进行主动替换。被动放置后的重定位误差大于主动放置(p <0.001)。这些结果使我们进一步了解了肩膀上主动和被动关节位置感之间的差异。



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