首页> 外文期刊>Journal of orthopaedic research >Wrist kinetics after scapholunate dissociation: the effect of scapholunate interosseous ligament injury and persistent scapholunate gaps.

Wrist kinetics after scapholunate dissociation: the effect of scapholunate interosseous ligament injury and persistent scapholunate gaps.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cutting of the scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL) and persistent widening of the scapholunate (SL) joint on changes in moment arms of the principal wrist motor tendons. In seven fresh frozen cadaveric upper extremities, excursions of the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and brevis (ECRB), extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU), flexor carpi radialis (FCR), and flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) were recorded simultaneously with wrist joint angulation during wrist flexion-extension and radioulnar deviation. Tendon excursions were measured in intact wrists, then in the wrists with complete SLIL sectioning and in those with moderate or severe persistent SL joint widening. The data were converted to moment arms of the tendons. The results showed that moment arms of the ECRL and ECRB tendons after SLIL sectioning were, respectively, 110+/-6% and 105+/-3% of those in the intact wrist. In the wrists with moderate or severe SL joint widening, moment arms of the flexors significantly increased (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). During radioulnar deviation, moment arms of the ECRL, ECRB, ECU, and FCU tendons decreased after SLIL sectioning and the SL joint widening. However, moment arms of the FCR tendon significantly increased 122+/-23% after the SLIL section, 133+/-28% after the moderate SL joint widening, and 138+/-24% after the severe SL joint widening compared with those of the intact wrists. This study demonstrated that integrity of the SLIL and appropriate SL joint space are important for mechanics of wrist motor tendons. Loss of integrity of the SLIL and persistent SL joint widening increase mechanical effects of the radial side wrist motor tendons, which may contribute to the pathomechanics of scaphoid malrotation, scapholunate advanced collapse, and early osteoarthritis in the radioscaphoid joint interface seen in SL dissociation. The results also suggest that reduction of the displaced SL joint is imperative to the recovery of wrist kinetics after SL dissociation.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查切断肩cap骨骨间韧带(SLIL)和持续扩大肩cap骨(SL)关节对主要腕部运动肌腱力矩臂变化的影响。在七个新鲜的冷冻尸体上肢中,同时记录腕wrist腕伸肌(ECRL)和短肌(ECRB),尺骨腕腕屈肌(ECU),radial屈腕腕屈肌(FCR)和尺腕腕屈肌(FCU)的偏移腕关节屈伸和尺尺偏斜时的关节角度。在完整的手腕中测量肌腱偏移,然后在完整的SLIL切片中以及在中度或重度持续性SL关节增宽的腕部中测量肌腱偏移。数据被转换为肌腱的力矩臂。结果显示,SLIL切片后,ECRL和ECRB肌腱的力矩臂分别是完整手腕的力矩臂的110 +/- 6%和105 +/- 3%。在中度或重度SL关节增宽的腕部中,屈肌的弯矩臂明显增加(分别为P <0.01和P <0.001)。在尺尺偏斜期间,SLIL切片和SL关节加宽后,ECRL,ECRB,ECU和FCU肌腱的力矩臂减小。然而,与SLIL切片相比,FCR肌腱的力矩臂在SLIL切片后明显增加了122 +/- 23%,在中度SL关节扩大后增加了133 +/- 28%,在严重SL关节扩大后增加了138 +/- 24%完整的手腕。这项研究表明,SLIL的完整性和适当的SL关节间隙对于腕部运动肌腱的力学至关重要。 SLIL完整性的丧失和持续性SL关节的增宽会增加the侧腕运动肌腱的机械作用,这可能有助于SL解离中所见的舟状畸形,肩cap骨晚期塌陷和放射性舟状关节界面中的早期骨关节炎。结果还表明,SL分离后,减少SL关节移位对恢复腕部动力学势在必行。



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