首页> 外文期刊>Journal of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery = >Predisposing factors of complicated deep neck infections: 12-year experience at a single institution.

Predisposing factors of complicated deep neck infections: 12-year experience at a single institution.


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OBJECTIVES: To review our experience with deep neck infections and identify the risk factors for developing complications and prolonged hospitalization. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We analyzed the prospectively collected database of 439 patients with deep neck infections between January 1996 and July 2007 at a single institution. Their demographic data, duration of hospitalization, etiology, underlying systemic disease, bacteriologic and radiologic studies, complications, and treatment outcome were reviewed and analyzed. Patients with superficial abscess or cellulitis, necrotizing fasciitis, and peritonsillar abscess were excluded. RESULTS: Dental infection and upper airway infection remained the two most common etiologies. Coexisting head and neck malignancy was found in eight cases. Patients with systemic diseases and a C-reactive protein value of more than 100 microg/mL tend to develop complications, resulting in prolonged hospitalization. CONCLUSION: We should pay more attention to those patients with systemic diseases or C-reactive protein values more than 100 microg/mL. The current study represents the largest and longest analysis of deep neck infection in the available literature.
机译:目的:回顾我们在深颈部感染的经验,并确定发生并发症和长期住院的危险因素。研究对象和方法:我们分析了前瞻性收集的1996年1月至2007年7月间在单个机构中进行的439例深颈部感染患者的数据库。他们的人口统计数据,住院时间,病因,全身性疾病,细菌学和放射学研究,并发症和治疗结果进行了审查和分析。排除浅表脓肿或蜂窝织炎,坏死性筋膜炎和扁桃体周围脓肿的患者。结果:牙齿感染和上呼吸道感染仍然是两种最常见的病因。头颈部恶性肿瘤共存8例。全身性疾病且C反应蛋白值超过100 microg / mL的患者容易出现并发症,导致住院时间延长。结论:对于系统性疾病或C反应蛋白值超过100μg/ mL的患者,应给予更多关注。当前的研究代表了现有文献中最大,最长的颈深部感染分析。



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