首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nonlinear optical physics & materials >Multiwavelength brillouin-erbium fiber laser generation with double-brillouin-frequency spacing in a ring cavity

Multiwavelength brillouin-erbium fiber laser generation with double-brillouin-frequency spacing in a ring cavity


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We propose and demonstrate the most compact and stable multiwavelength Brillouin Erbium Fibre Laser (MBEFL) by incorporating a 10-km long nonzero dispersion shifted fiber (NZ-DSF) acting as a Brillouin gain medium. This proposed configuration with only a single ring cavity is able to produce odd-order Brillouin Stokes waves appear in the backward direction with the line spacing 0.16nm (~20GHz). Brillouin pump and the even Stokes orders act as a Brillouin pump in the forward direction using a pre-amplified Brillouin power approach in a ring cavity. Up to 12 odd-order Brillouin Stokes lines are observed with the Brillouin pump power of around 8 dBm at injected 980 nm pump power of 125 mW. The anti-Stokes lines are also obtained due to four wave mixing and bidirectional operation.
机译:我们提出并展示了最紧凑,最稳定的多波长布里渊rill光纤激光器(MBEFL),方法是将10公里长的非零色散位移光纤(NZ-DSF)用作布里渊增益介质。所提出的仅具有单个环形腔的配置能够产生奇数级的布里渊斯托克斯波,该波在向后方向上以0.16nm(〜20GHz)的线距出现。布里渊泵和偶数Stokes订单使用环形腔中的预放大布里渊功率方法在向前方向上充当布里渊泵。在注入的125 nmW的980 nm泵浦功率下,观察到多达12条奇数级的Brillouin斯托克斯线,其布里渊泵浦功率约为8 dBm。由于四波混频和双向操作,也可以获得反斯托克斯线。



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