首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurology >Acute hemianopic patients do not show a contralesional deviation in the line bisection task.

Acute hemianopic patients do not show a contralesional deviation in the line bisection task.


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Sirs: the line bisection task is a common clinical bedside tool for the assessment of spatial neglect and homonymous hemianopia (HH) . When asked to bisect a line, neglect patients show an ipsilesional deviation . In contrast, hemianopic patients (> 90 %) displace their midline contralesionally towards the scotoma [1,3,4].Evidence for this "typical hemianopic line bisection error" came from hemianopic patients in a chronic stage (> 3 months) of brain damage . It is a matter of debate whether their line bisection error (LBE) is due to non-veridical spatial representation or an adaptive attentional shift ("compensatory hyperattention") [1-3].We compared the line bisection task in hemianopic patients as well as hemineglect patients in their acute stage of stroke with healthycontrol subjects. Our objectives were twofold: (i) if adaptive attentional mechanisms are responsible for the LBE in hemianopic patients it may be absent in their acute stage, and if so (ii) is the line bisection task a reliable bedside tool to distinguish hemianopia from hemineglect in the acute stage of stroke?
机译:主席先生:线平分任务是评估空间疏忽和同名偏盲(HH)的常见临床床头工具。当被要求将线一分为二时,被忽视的患者会出现同侧偏差。相比之下,偏盲患者(> 90%)将对中线向对侧移位至阴囊[1,3,4]。这种“典型偏盲患者两等分错误”的证据来自处于慢性阶段(> 3个月)的偏盲患者损害。他们的线平分误差(LBE)是由于非垂直的空间表现还是由于自适应注意力转移(“代偿性注意力过度集中”)引起的,这是一个有争议的问题。[1-3]。我们还比较了偏瘫患者的线平分任务在健康控制对象中处于急性脑卒中的偏头痛患者。我们的目标是双重的:(i)如果偏盲患者的LBE是由适应性注意机制引起的,则在急性期可能不存在;并且(ii)线平分任务是区分偏盲和偏盲的可靠方法。中风的急性期?



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