首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery >Use of Transalveolar Sutures to Maintain Vestibular Depth and Manipulate Keratinized Tissue Following Alveolar Ridge Reduction and Implant Placement for Mandibular Prosthesis

Use of Transalveolar Sutures to Maintain Vestibular Depth and Manipulate Keratinized Tissue Following Alveolar Ridge Reduction and Implant Placement for Mandibular Prosthesis


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Reconstruction of the totally edentulous patient with dental implants has become routine treatment with predictable outcomes. Firm keratinized tissue surrounding the implants and adequate vestibular depth are among the determining factors for long-term implant success. In the staged approach of mandibular implant reconstruction, adequate vestibular depth and attached gingiva surrounding the implants can be readily established at the time of implant placement or when the implants are uncovered. However, when extractions and necessary mandibular ridge reduction to create adequate width are performed immediately before implant placement, maintaining adequate keratinized tissue around the implants and preventing prolapse of the vestibule can present a challenging situation. This report presents a technique that allows the surgeon to stabilize vestibular depth and at the same time position the flaps around the implants and preserve the attached gingiva. (C) 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
机译:用牙齿植入物重建完全无牙的患者已成为具有可预测结果的常规治疗。植入物周围牢固的角质化组织和足够的前庭深度是长期植入成功的决定因素。在下颌植入物重建的分阶段方法中,在植入物放置时或未露出植入物时,可以容易地建立足够的前庭深度和围绕植入物的附着牙龈。但是,当在植入植入物之前立即进行拔牙和必要的下颌缩小以形成足够的宽度时,在植入物周围保持足够的角质化组织并防止前庭脱垂可能会带来挑战。该报告提出了一种技术,该技术可使外科医生稳定前庭深度,并同时将皮瓣定位在植入物周围,并保留附着的牙龈。 (C)2015年美国口腔颌面外科医师协会



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