首页> 外文期刊>Journal of molecular modeling >The post-SCF quantum chemistry characteristics of inter- and intra-strand stacking interactions in d(CpG) and d(GpC) steps found in B-DNA, A-DNA and Z-DNA crystals

The post-SCF quantum chemistry characteristics of inter- and intra-strand stacking interactions in d(CpG) and d(GpC) steps found in B-DNA, A-DNA and Z-DNA crystals


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The energies of intra- and inter-strand stacking interactions in model d(GpC) and d(CpG) two-base-pair steps were estimated by MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ single point calculations corrected for basis superposition errors. The stacked two-nucleobase pairs were constructed using experimental values of base pair and base step parameters taken from Nucleic Acid Database (http:/dbserver.rutgers.edu/). Three distinct polymorphic forms were analysed, namely A-, B-and Z-DNA. The applied methodology enables statistical analysis of structural and energetic diversities. The structural relationships between polymorphic forms are quite complex and depend on the sequence of pairs. The variability of parameters such as shift and tilt is almost the same irrespective of the polymorphic form and sequence of steps analysed. In contrast, shift and twist distributions easily discriminate all three polymorphic forms of DNA. Interestingly, despite significant structural diversities, the energies of the most frequent energy ranges are comparable irrespective of the polymorphic form and base sequence. There was observed compensation of inter-and intra-strand interactions, especially for d(GpC) and d(CpG) steps found in A-and B-DNA. Thus, among many other roles, these pairs act as a kind of energetic buffer, balancing the double helix.
机译:通过对基础叠加误差进行校正的MP2 / aug-cc-pVDZ单点计算来估计模型d(GpC)和d(CpG)两碱基对步中的股内和股间相互作用的能量。使用碱基对的实验值和取自核酸数据库(http:/dbserver.rutgers.edu/)的碱基步长参数,构建了堆叠的两个碱基对。分析了三种不同的多态形式,即A-,B-和Z-DNA。应用的方法可以对结构和能量多样性进行统计分析。多态形式之间的结构关系非常复杂,取决于对的顺序。诸如移位和倾斜之类的参数的可变性几乎相同,而与分析的多态形式和步骤顺序无关。相反,移位和扭曲分布很容易区分DNA的所有三种多态形式。有趣的是,尽管结构差异很大,但无论多态形式和碱基序列如何,最频繁的能量范围的能量都是可比的。观察到链间和链内相互作用的补偿,特别是对于在A-DNA和B-DNA中发现的d(GpC)和d(CpG)步骤。因此,在许多其他角色中,这些对充当一种能量缓冲,平衡了双螺旋结构。



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