首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molluscan Studies >3D reconstruction of the anatomy of the ovoviviparous (?) freshwater gastropod Borysthenia naticina (Menke, 1845) (Ectobranchia: Valvatidae)

3D reconstruction of the anatomy of the ovoviviparous (?) freshwater gastropod Borysthenia naticina (Menke, 1845) (Ectobranchia: Valvatidae)

机译:卵生卵腹足纲腹足动物Borysthenia naticina的解剖结构的3D重建(Menke,1845年)(Ectobranchia:Valvatidae)

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Because of its apertural shape and an unusual reproductive mode, Borysthenia naticina ( Menke, 1845) has always held a special position within the Valvatidae. The species is known to be viviparous, whereas all other valvatids produce spawn. Living animals from the Bavarian Danube river provided the opportunity to investigate the structure of the genital system in relation to this special mode of reproduction. We applied 3D surface- and volume-rendering techniques using AMIRA, based on histological semithin slices. We also provide SEM photos of the taenioglossate radula of this species. Contrary to our expectations, there were no special structures (e.g. brood pouch) in the genital system that could be connected with such an accelerated early ontogeny. In general, only minor anatomical differences were found between Borysthenia naticina and other valvatid species. The previous reports of ovoviviparity need at least to be modified, because true spawn was observed, although the embryos were close to hatching. The generally accepted taxonomic status of Borysthenia as a genus distinct from Valvata is doubtful, and the family Valvatidae is in need of a thorough systematic revision.
机译:由于其开孔形状和异常的繁殖方式,Borysthenia naticina(Menke,1845年)一直在Valvatidae中占据特殊地位。已知该物种是胎生的,而其他所有的瓣膜虫都产卵。来自巴伐利亚多瑙河的活体动物提供了与这种特殊繁殖方式有关的生殖器系统结构研究的机会。我们基于组织学半薄切片,使用AMIRA应用了3D表面和体积渲染技术。我们还提供该物种的taenioglossate的SEM照片。与我们的期望相反,生殖系统中没有可以与这种加速的早期个体发育有关的特殊结构(例如育雏袋)。通常,在纳粹波黑虫和其他瓣膜虫之间只有很小的解剖学差异。至少需要修改以前的卵生存率的报道,因为尽管胚胎接近孵化,但观察到了真正的卵。鲍氏衰老作为一种不同于瓦尔瓦塔的属而被普遍接受的分类学地位值得怀疑,并且瓦尔瓦科(Valvatidae)家族需要进行彻底的系统修订。



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