首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem: Applications of Theoretical Chemistry to Organic, Inorganic and Biological Problems >Computation of the permanent dipole moment of α-chymotrypsin from linear-scaling semiempirical quantum mechanical methods

Computation of the permanent dipole moment of α-chymotrypsin from linear-scaling semiempirical quantum mechanical methods


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The permanent dipole moment of α-chymotrypsin (-CT) has been computed by means of linear-scaling semiempirical (AM1, PM3 and PM5) quantum mechanical methods. Solvent effects were accounted for implicitly by means of the conductor-like screening model (COSMO). The dipole moment computed at pH 7.0 with the PM5/COSMO (ε=80) method corresponds to 492 D. This theoretical value compares well with experiments performed with the electric dichroism technique, provided that the asymptotic behavior of the measured macrodipole in the 4.2–8.3 pH range is taken into account. Explicit solvent models were also investigated. However, the magnitude of the calculated dipole turns out to depend upon the number of discrete water molecules added to the protein. Finally, the computed net (Mulliken) charge on each side-chain residue of α-CT indicates that Asp102 is the most polarized residue among those of the catalytic triad. Possible implications of the macrodipole of α-CT for enzymatic catalysis are also discussed.
机译:α-胰凝乳蛋白酶(-CT)的永久偶极矩已通过线性缩放半经验(AM1,PM3和PM5)量子力学方法进行了计算。溶剂效应通过类导体筛选模型(COSMO)隐含地解决。使用PM5 / COSMO(ε= 80)方法在pH 7.0下计算出的偶极矩对应于492D。该理论值与用电二色性技术进行的实验很好地比较,但前提是所测得的大偶极子在4.2– 8.3 pH范围要考虑在内。还研究了显式溶剂模型。但是,计算出的偶极子的大小取决于添加到蛋白质中的离散水分子的数量。最后,在α-CT的每个侧链残基上计算出的净电荷(Mulliken)表明,Asp102是催化三联体中极性最强的残基。还讨论了α-CT大偶极子对酶催化的影响。



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