首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational health psychology >Shift Rotation, Overtime, Age, and Anxiety as Predictors of Offshore Sleep Patterns

Shift Rotation, Overtime, Age, and Anxiety as Predictors of Offshore Sleep Patterns


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Shift work on offshore oil/gas installations necessitates 12 h shifts and rapid dayight shift changes. In the North Sea, both 'fixed-shift' (alternate day-shift and night-shift tours) and 'swing-shift' rotations (with a midtour shift change) are operated. The present study used survey data (n = 775) to examine sleep patterns over 3 'phases' of the offshore work cycle (day shifts, DS; night shifts, NS; and leave weeks, LS) in relation to shift roster, overtime, age, offshore shift work exposure, and anxiety. Specific predictions were tested in a mixed-model ANOVA in which DS, NS, and LS sleep were treated as repeated measures. Sleep duration and sleep quality were predicted by significant interactions of phase with roster, anxiety, age, and shift work exposure, but the patterns of findings differed across DS, NS and LS. Consistent with other published findings, personnel working 2-week nights-to-days swing shifts reported shorter DS and NS sleep duration than those working fixed shifts. Extended 3-week tours (7 nights/14 days) showed an advantage only for DS sleep. There was no evidence that LS sleep was impaired following night-shift work. Overtime was negatively related only to NS sleep duration. Anxiety predicted poor NS and DS sleep; the relationship between age and NS sleep quality was curvilinear with minimum values at 38-42 y. Shift work exposure negatively predicted NS (but not DS or LS) sleep. The results are discussed in relation to the initial predictions; more general implications of the findings, and methodological limitations of the work, are considered in a final section.
机译:海上石油/天然气装置的轮班工作需要12小时轮班,并且需要快速进行日夜转换。在北海,“固定班次”(交替的日间班次和夜间班次)和“秋千”轮班(伴随中间班次变更)都在运行。本研究使用调查数据(n = 775)来检查离岸工作周期的3个“阶段”(日班,DS;夜班,NS;休假周,LS)的睡眠模式与班次,加班时间,年龄,海上轮班工作暴露和焦虑。在混合模型ANOVA中测试了特定的预测,其中将DS,NS和LS睡眠视为重复测量。睡眠时间和睡眠质量是通过阶段与名册,焦虑,年龄和轮班工作的显着相互作用来预测的,但是在DS,NS和LS中发现的模式有所不同。与其他已发表的研究结果一致,从每天工作两周的夜班班的人员报告出,DS和NS的睡眠时间短于进行固定班次的人员。延长的3周旅行(7晚/ 14天)仅显示了DS睡眠的优势。没有证据表明夜班后LS睡眠受损。加班仅与NS睡眠时间负相关。焦虑症预示着NS和DS睡眠不良;年龄与NS睡眠质量之间的关系呈曲线关系,最小值在38-42岁。轮班工作暴露负面预测NS(而不是DS或LS)睡眠。结果与初始预测有关;在最后一部分中,将对研究结果的更一般含义以及方法的局限性进行考虑。



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