首页> 外文期刊>Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology >An investigation in primary care of the relationship between consultation behaviour, increased vaginal bleeding and mental disorder.

An investigation in primary care of the relationship between consultation behaviour, increased vaginal bleeding and mental disorder.


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Studies have shown an association between consultation for increased vaginal bleeding and the presence of psychological disturbance. However, many of the studies have failed to control the known link between psychological distress and propensity to consult in general. The aim of this case-control study was to determine whether psychological distress in women consulting with increased vaginal bleeding is associated with the illness or with the propensity to consult. Women consulting as cases of 'increased vaginal bleeding' were compared with three sets of control women: two sets of consulting controls ('acute respiratory tract infection' or a physical 'other illness') and one set of community controls. Predictor measures were consultations and prescriptions in the previous 5 years. There was no difference in overall consultation rates (P = 0.19), proportion consulting for a mental disorder (P = 0.39), frequency of consultation for a mental disorder (P = 0.46) or having a prescribed hypnotic or anxiolytic (P = 0.29) between the three consulting groups. However, the consulting groups had higher rates of consulting both overall and specifically for a mental disorder than the community controls. The association between increased vaginal bleeding and mental disorder or use of psychotropic medication appeared to be explained by consultation behaviour.
机译:研究表明,阴道出血增加的咨询与心理障碍的存在之间存在关联。然而,许多研究未能控制心理困扰与一般咨询倾向之间的已知联系。这项病例对照研究的目的是确定接受阴道流血增多咨询的女性心理困扰是否与疾病或咨询倾向有关。将接受“阴道出血增加”咨询的女性与三组对照女性进行比较:两组咨询对照(“急性呼吸道感染”或身体“其他疾病”)和一组社区对照。预测指标为前5年的咨询和处方。总体咨询率(P = 0.19),精神障碍的咨询比例(P = 0.39),精神障碍的咨询频率(P = 0.46)或具有处方的催眠药或抗焦虑药(P = 0.29)没有差异。在三个咨询小组之间。但是,咨询小组的整体咨询和针对精神障碍的咨询的咨询率均高于社区控制。阴道出血增加与精神障碍或使用精神药物之间的关联似乎是通过咨询行为来解释的。



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