首页> 外文期刊>Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology >Removal of intra-abdominal mislocated intrauterine devices by laparoscopy.

Removal of intra-abdominal mislocated intrauterine devices by laparoscopy.


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This retrospective study was carried out on 15 patients who underwent laparoscopy for the removal of a mislocated IUD from 2003 to 2009. The mean duration of usage of an IUD was 16.1 months. The IUD was found in the Pouch of Douglas in six patients; in the posterior wall of the uterus in three patients; in the adnexa in three patients; in the omentum in two patients and it was embedded in the rectal serosa in one patient. The types of the IUDs were TCu-380A (n = 13) and Mirena((R)) (n = 2). The mean laparoscopic operation time was 25 min. No major complications occurred. A second ancillary port was required in three patients. All patients were discharged within 24 h. Laparoscopic removal of the intra-abdominal IUD must be the first choice of therapy. If possible, a single ancillary port should be preferred for the removal of mislocated IUDs. We advise that surgical removal and surgical risk should be discussed with the patients, even if asymptomatic.
机译:这项回顾性研究是针对2003年至2009年对15例行腹腔镜手术以切除错位宫内节育器的患者进行的。宫内节育器的平均使用时间为16.1个月。在道格拉斯邮袋中发现6名患者的宫内节育器。 3例患者位于子宫后壁;在附件中有三名患者;在两名患者的大网膜中,一名患者嵌入直肠浆膜。 IUD的类型为TCu-380A(n = 13)和Mirena(R)(n = 2)。腹腔镜平均手术时间为25分钟。无重大并发症发生。三名患者需要第二个辅助端口。所有患者均在24小时内出院。腹腔镜切除腹腔内宫内节育器必须是首选治疗方法。如果可能,应首选单个辅助端口来移除错位的宫内节育器。我们建议即使无症状也应与患者讨论手术切除和手术风险。



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