首页> 外文期刊>Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology >US obstetrician-gynaecologist's prevention and management of obesity in pregnancy.

US obstetrician-gynaecologist's prevention and management of obesity in pregnancy.


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A survey regarding management of obesity in pregnancy was mailed to 787 practising members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG); 433 responded of whom 353 practised obstetrics. Most (79.2%) had read ACOG Committee Opinion, 'Obesity in Pregnancy,' and rated it helpful (68.6%) or very helpful (17.2%). Most responding physicians (91.2%) use BMI to assess their patients weight status; fewer (63.4%) use pre-pregnancy BMI to modify their pregnancy weight gain recommendation. Having read the Committee Opinion and being a woman were independent factors associated with using pre-pregnancy BMI. Responding physicians that had read the Committee Opinion were more knowledgeable about obesity-related pregnancy complications; but even among those physicians, only 32.2% were aware that maternal obesity is a risk factor for fetal neural tube defects. The responding physicians appeared well-versed on appropriate practice for caesarean delivery for obese patients whether they had read the Committee Opinion or not.
机译:有关妊娠肥胖管理的调查已邮寄给美国妇产科学院(ACOG)的787名从业成员; 433回应者其中353从事妇产科。大多数(79.2%)已阅读ACOG委员会的意见“妊娠肥胖症”,并将其评为有帮助(68.6%)或非常有帮助(17.2%)。大多数回应医生(91.2%)使用BMI来评估患者的体重状况。较少(63.4%)的人使用孕前BMI来修改其妊娠体重增加建议。阅读委员会意见并成为女性是使用孕前BMI的独立因素。阅读了委员会意见的回复医生对肥胖相关的妊娠并发症了解更多。但即使在这些医生中,也只有32.2%的人知道母体肥胖是胎儿神经管畸形的危险因素。无论肥胖者是否已阅读委员会意见,响应医生似乎都对肥胖患者进行剖腹产的适当做法精通。



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