首页> 外文期刊>Clinical psychology review >A comparison of Narrative Exposure Therapy and Prolonged Exposure therapy for PTSD

A comparison of Narrative Exposure Therapy and Prolonged Exposure therapy for PTSD


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The purpose of this review was to compare and contrast Prolonged Exposure (PE) and Narrative Exposure Therapy (NEC). We examined the treatment manuals to describe the theoretical foundation, treatment components, and procedures, including the type, manner, and focus of exposure techniques and recording methods used. We examined extant clinical trials to investigate the range of treatment formats reported, populations studied, and clinical outcome data. Our search resulted in 32 studies on PE and 15 studies on NET. Consistent with prior reviews of PTSD treatment, it is evident that PE has a solid evidence base and its current status as a first line treatment for the populations studied to this date is warranted. We argue that NET may have advantages in treating complex traumatization seen in asylum seekers and refugees, and for this population NET should be considered a recommended treatment. NET and PE have several commonalities, and it is recommended that studies of these treatments include a broader range of populations and trauma types to expand the current knowledge on the treatment of PTSD. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:这篇综述的目的是比较和对比长时间暴露(PE)和叙述性暴露疗法(NEC)。我们检查了治疗手册,以描述理论基础,治疗成分和程序,包括暴露技术和使用的记录方法的类型,方式和重点。我们检查了现有的临床试验,以调查报告的治疗方式范围,研究人群和临床结果数据。我们的搜索导致32项关于PE的研究和15项关于NET的研究。与先前对PTSD治疗的评论一致,很明显,PE具有坚实的证据基础,并且对于目前为止研究的人群,其作为一线治疗的当前状态是有保证的。我们认为,NET在治疗寻求庇护者和难民中遇到的复杂创伤方面可能具有优势,因此对于这一人群,NET应该被视为推荐的治疗方法。 NET和PE有几个共同点,建议对这些治疗方法的研究包括更广泛的人群和创伤类型,以扩展对PTSD治疗的当前知识。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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