首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurosurgery. >Extraaxial primitive neuroectodermal tumor mimicking a vestibular schwannoma: diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. Report of two cases.

Extraaxial primitive neuroectodermal tumor mimicking a vestibular schwannoma: diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. Report of two cases.


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Extraaxial cerebellopontine angle (CPA) medulloblastomas and other primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) are rare tumors. The authors report on two patients with PNETs who presented with progressive audiovestibular symptoms. In each case magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed an extraaxial lesion that filled the internal auditory meatus and exhibited the neuroimaging features of a vestibular schwannoma (VS). No high signal intensity was apparent in either the brainstem or adjacent cerebellum on T2-weighted MR images. Surgery with maximum resection (total in one case and subtotal in the other) was performed, followed by craniospinal radiotherapy. One year postoperatively, both patients were free from tumor. A CPA PNET mimicking a VS is a rare entity, the diagnosis of which is important because its treatment differs dramatically from that of VS, including prescribed surgery followed by conventional craniospinal radiotherapy.
机译:小轴桥小脑角(CPA)髓母细胞瘤和其他原始神经外胚层肿瘤(PNET)是罕见的肿瘤。作者报告了两名出现渐进性前庭症状的PNET患者。在每种情况下,磁共振(MR)成像均显示出充满内听道的轴外病变,并表现出前庭神经鞘瘤(VS)的神经影像学特征。 T2加权MR图像在脑干或邻近小脑中均未见高信号强度。进行了最大切除手术(一例总计,另一例总计小计),然后进行颅脊椎放疗。术后一年,两名患者均无肿瘤。模仿VS的CPA PNET是一种罕见的实体,其诊断很重要,因为其治疗与VS显着不同,包括处方手术和常规颅颈椎放射疗法。



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