首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neuroscience Research >Each sensory nerve arising from the geniculate ganglion expresses a unique fingerprint of neurotrophin and neurotrophin receptor genes.

Each sensory nerve arising from the geniculate ganglion expresses a unique fingerprint of neurotrophin and neurotrophin receptor genes.


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Neurons in the geniculate ganglion, like those in other sensory ganglia, are dependent on neurotrophins for survival. Most geniculate ganglion neurons innervate taste buds in two regions of the tongue and two regions of the palate; the rest are cutaneous nerves to the skin of the ear. We investigated the expression of four neurotrophins, nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 3 (NT-3), and NT-4, and five neurotrophin receptors, trkA, trkB, trkC, p75, and truncated trkB (Trn-B) in single sensory neurons of the adult rat geniculate ganglion associated with the five innervation fields. For fungiform papillae, a glass pipette containing biotinylated dextran was placed over the target papilla and the tracer was iontophoresed into the target papilla. For the other target fields, Fluoro-Gold was microinjected. After 3 days, geniculate ganglia were harvested, sectioned, and treated histochemically (for biotinylated dextran) or immunohistochemically (for Fluoro-Gold) to reveal the neurons containing the tracer. Single labeled neurons were harvested from the slides and subjected to RNA amplification and RT-PCR to reveal the neurotrophin or neurotrophin receptor genes that were expressed. Neurons projecting from the geniculate ganglion to each of the five target fields had a unique expression profile of neurotrophin and neurotrophic receptor genes. Several individual neurons expressed more than one neurotrophin receptor or more than one neurotrophin gene. Although BDNF is significantly expressed in taste buds, its primary high affinity receptor, trkB, was not prominently expressed in the neurons. The results are consistent with the interpretation that at least some, perhaps most, of the trophic influence on the sensory neurons is derived from the neuronal somata, and the trophic effect is paracrine or autocrine, rather than target derived. The BDNF in the taste bud may also act in a paracrine or autocrine manner on the trkB expressed in taste buds, as shown by others.
机译:膝状神经节中的神经元与其他感觉神经节中的神经元一样,依赖神经营养蛋白来维持生存。大多数膝状神经节神经元在舌的两个区域和上two的两个区域支配味蕾。其余的是耳朵皮肤的皮肤神经。我们调查了四种神经营养蛋白,神经生长因子(NGF),脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF),神经营养蛋白3(NT-3)和NT-4的表达,以及五种神经营养蛋白受体trkA,trkB,trkC,p75,成年大鼠膝神经节的单个感觉神经元中与五个神经支配区域相关的截短的trkB(Trn-B)。对于真菌状乳头,将含有生物素化葡聚糖的玻璃移液管放在目标乳头上,并将示踪剂离子电渗入目标乳头中。对于其他目标领域,显微注射了氟金。 3天后,收集膝状神经节,切片,并进行组织化学处理(用于生物素化的右旋糖酐)或免疫组织化学处理(用于荧光金)以显示含有示踪剂的神经元。从载玻片上收集单个标记的神经元,并对其进行RNA扩增和RT-PCR,以揭示表达的神经营养蛋白或神经营养蛋白受体基因。从膝状神经节投射到五个靶标区域的每个神经元具有独特的神经营养蛋白和神经营养受体基因表达谱。几个单独的神经元表达一种以上的神经营养蛋白受体或一种以上的神经营养蛋白基因。尽管BDNF在味蕾中显着表达,但其主要的高亲和力受体trkB在神经元中并未明显表达。该结果与以下解释一致:对感觉神经元的至少一些(也许是大多数)营养作用源自神经元的躯体,而营养作用是旁分泌的或自分泌的,而不是靶标产生的。味蕾中的BDNF也可能以旁分泌或自分泌的方式作用于味蕾中表达的trkB,如其他人所示。



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