首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Gaze-stabilizing deficits and latent nystagmus in monkeys with brief, early-onset visual deprivation: eye movement recordings.

Gaze-stabilizing deficits and latent nystagmus in monkeys with brief, early-onset visual deprivation: eye movement recordings.


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The normal development and the capacity to calibrate gaze-stabilizing systems may depend on normal vision during infancy. At the end of 1 yr of dark rearing, cats have gaze-stabilizing deficits similar to that of the newborn human infant including decreased monocular optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in the nasal to temporal (N-T) direction and decreased velocity storage in the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR). The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent restricted vision during the first 2 mo of life in monkeys affects the development of gaze-stabilizing systems. The eyelids of both eyes were sutured closed in three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) at birth. Eyelids were opened at 25 days in one monkey and 40 and 55 days in the other two animals. Eye movements were recorded from each eye using scleral search coils. The VOR, OKN, and fixation were examined at 6 and 12 mo of age. We also examined ocular alignment, refraction, and visual acuity in these animals. At 1 yr of age, visual acuity ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 LogMAR (20/40-20/80). All animals showed a defect in monocular OKN in the N-T direction. The velocity-storage component of OKN (i.e., OKAN) was the most impaired. All animals had a mild reduction in VOR gain but had a normal time constant. The animals deprived for 40 and 55 days had a persistent strabismus. All animals showed a nystagmus similar to latent nystagmus (LN) in human subjects. The amount of LN and OKN defect correlated positively with the duration of deprivation. In addition, the animal deprived for 55 days demonstrated a pattern of nystagmus similar to congenital nystagmus in human subjects. We found that restricted visual input during the first 2 mo of life impairs certain gaze-stabilizing systems and causes LN in primates.
机译:婴儿期的正常视力和校准注视稳定系统的能力可能取决于婴儿的正常视力。在黑暗饲养的1年结束时,猫的凝视稳定缺陷与新生婴儿相似,包括鼻至颞(NT)方向单眼视动眼震颤(OKN)减少以及前庭反射的速度存储减少( VOR)。这项研究的目的是确定猴子生命的最初2个月内视力受限在多大程度上影响了注视稳定系统的发育。在出生时,将两只眼睛的眼睑缝合在三只恒河猴(猕猴)中。一只猴子在第25天睁开眼皮,其他两只动物在第40天和55天睁开眼皮。使用巩膜搜索线圈记录每只眼睛的眼睛运动。在6和12个月大时检查VOR,OKN和注视。我们还检查了这些动物的眼部对准,屈光和视敏度。在1岁时,视敏度范围为0.3到0.6 LogMAR(20 / 40-20 / 80)。所有动物均在N-T方向显示单眼OKN缺陷。 OKN(即OKAN)的速度存储组件受到的影响最大。所有动物的VOR增益均出现轻度降低,但具有正常的时间常数。被剥夺40天和55天的动物患有持续性斜视。在人类受试者中,所有动物均表现出类似于潜在性眼球震颤(LN)的眼球震颤。 LN和OKN缺陷的数量与剥夺持续时间呈正相关。另外,被剥夺动物55天的动物在人类受试者中表现出类似于先天性眼球震颤的眼球震颤的模式。我们发现,生命的最初2个月中受限的视觉输入会损害某些注视稳定系统,并导致灵长类动物产生LN。



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