首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Contribution of GABA- and glycine-mediated inhibition to the monaural temporal response properties of neurons in the inferior colliculus.

Contribution of GABA- and glycine-mediated inhibition to the monaural temporal response properties of neurons in the inferior colliculus.


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1. To determine the contribution of inhibition to the generation of the temporal response patterns of neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC), the effects of iontophoretically applied gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, and the GABAA and glycine receptor antagonists, bicuculline and strychnine were studied on 121 neurons in the IC of urethan-anesthetised guinea pig. 2. The neurons temporal discharge patterns were classified into six categories on the basis of their peristimulus time histograms (PSTHs). 1) Onset units fired at the stimulus onset and could be divided into two subtypes: narrow (1-2 spikes only) or broad (response lasting up to approximately 30 ms). 2) Pauser units had a precisely timed onset peak separated from a lower level of sustained activity by either a marked reduction or complete cessation of firing. 3) Chopper units had three or more clearly defined peaks near stimulus onset or evidence of regularly spaced peaks over the duration of the stimulus. 4) Onset-chopper units had three clearly defined peaks at onset but no sustained firing. 5) On-sustained units had a clearly defined single onset peak followed by a lower level of sustained activity. 6) Sustained units fired throughout the stimulus, but lacked an onset peak. 3. Iontophoretic application of GABA and glycine produced a dose-dependent reduction in firing rate in 76% (42/55) and 79% (11/14) of units, respectively. Application of bicuculline or strychnine increased the discharge rate in 91% (64/70) and 94% (16/17) of neurons, respectively. 4. The effects of bicuculline and strychnine on PSTH class were studied in detail on 70 neurons. Changes in discharge rate were accompanied by changes in PSTH in 49% (34/70) of neurons tested with bicuculline and 41% (7/17) tested with strychnine. Pauser units were the most affected with 69% changing their PSTH class, but some units in all PSTH classes, except the chopper group, exhibited changes in PSTH pattern after application of bicuculline. The majority of units (approximately 50%) that changed PSTH pattern in the presence of bicuculline became chopper units. Units of all PSTH classes could become choppers, but the proportion of units showing this change was dependent on the unit's control response pattern. All seven units that changed PSTH class with strychnine also became choppers. Changes in PSTH, including the appearance of a chopper pattern, did not depend on either a unit's control discharge rate or the magnitude of the change in discharge rate induced by the antagonists. 5. Bicuculline and strychnine had no significant effect on latency for units in the chopper, onset-chopper, onset, pauser, and on-sustained groups. A few sustained and unclassified units that had long predrug latencies did show marked reductions in latency when tested with bicuculline. 6. The majority of units did not fire spontaneously, and neither bicuculline or strychnine produced a significant increase in spontaneous rate. 7. In many units, the changes in firing rate did not occur equally over the duration ofthe response. Firing rates at the onset and in the last quarter of the sustained response were compared. Three effects of bicuculline and strychnine were observed. For 80% of units the largest change in firing rate occurred in the sustained response, while in 14% of units the change was greatest at onset.
机译:1.为了确定抑制作用对下丘脑(IC)中神经元时间反应模式的产生的影响,离子电渗疗法应用了γ-氨基丁酸(GABA),甘氨酸,GABAA和甘氨酸受体拮抗剂(双小分子)的影响对氨酯麻醉的豚鼠IC中的121个神经元进行了研究和对苯丙氨酸进行了研究。 2.根据神经元的周围刺激时间直方图(PSTH),将神经元的时间放电模式分为六类。 1)在刺激发作时触发的发作单位,可分为两种亚型:狭窄(仅1-2个尖峰)或广泛(响应持续约30毫秒)。 2)暂停单元有一个精确定时的开始峰,通过明显减少或完全停止射击而与较低水平的持续活动分开。 3)斩波器单元在刺激开始时有三个或三个以上明确定义的峰,或者在刺激持续时间内有规则间隔的峰。 4)斩波器装置在开始时有三个清晰定义的峰值,但没有持续发射。 5)持续存在的单位有一个明确定义的单一发作峰,其后的持续活动水平较低。 6)持续的单位在整个刺激过程中开火,但没有爆发高峰。 3.离子电渗疗法应用GABA和甘氨酸会引起剂量依赖性的放电速率降低,分别降低76%(42/55)和79%(11/14)单位。双小分子或士的宁的应用分别提高了91%(64/70)和94%(16/17)神经元的放电率。 4.在70个神经元上详细研究了双小分子和士的宁对PSTH类的影响。放电速率的变化伴随着双小分子神经元检测的神经元的49%(34/70)和苯丙氨酸碱检测的41%(7/17)的PSTH的变化。暂停单元受PSTH等级更改的影响最大,但有69%的人更改了PSTH等级,但除切菜刀组外,所有PSTH等级中的某些单位在施用双小茴香后均表现出PSTH模式的变化。在双小分子存在下改变PSTH模式的大多数单位(约50%)成为切碎机单位。所有PSTH类的单位都可能成为斩波器,但显示此更改的单位比例取决于该单位的控制响应模式。用士的宁改变PSTH等级的所有七个装置也都变成了菜刀。 PSTH的变化(包括斩波图案的出现)不取决于装置的控制排放速率或拮抗剂诱导的排放速率变化的幅度。 5.对于切碎器,发作切碎器,发作,停药者和维持治疗组中的单位,双小分子和士的宁对潜伏期没有显着影响。当用双瓜氨酸测试时,一些持续时间长且未分类的单位具有较长的前药潜伏期,确实显示出潜伏期显着减少。 6.多数单位没有自发射击,双峰或士的宁都不产生自发率的显着提高。 7.在许多单位中,发射速度的变化在响应期间并没有平均发生。比较了开始反应和持续反应的最后一个季度的点火率。观察到了双小分子和士的宁的三种作用。对于80%的单位,持续响应中最大的发射速率变化是发生的,而在14%的单位中,此变化在发作时最大。



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