首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Sensory reweighting of proprioceptive information of the left and right leg during human balance control

Sensory reweighting of proprioceptive information of the left and right leg during human balance control


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To keep balance, information from different sensory systems is integrated to generate corrective torques. Current literature suggests that this information is combined according to the sensory reweighting hypothesis, i.e., more reliable information is weighted more strongly than less reliable information. In this approach, no distinction has been made between the contributions of both legs. In this study, we investigated how proprioceptive information from both legs is combined to maintain upright stance. Healthy subjects maintained balance with eyes closed while proprioceptive information of each leg was perturbed independently by continuous rotations of the support surfaces (SS) and the human body by platform translation. Two conditions were tested: perturbation amplitude of one SS was increased over trials while the other SS 1) did not move or 2) was perturbed with constant amplitude. With the use of system identification techniques, the response of the ankle torques to the perturbation amplitudes (i.e., the torque sensitivity functions) was determined and how much each leg contributed to stabilize stance (i.e., stabilizing mechanisms) was estimated. Increased amplitude of one SS resulted in a decreased torque sensitivity. The torque sensitivity to the constant perturbed SS showed no significant differences. The properties of the stabilizing mechanisms remained constant during perturbations of each SS. This study demonstrates that proprioceptive information from each leg is weighted independently and that the weight decreases with perturbation amplitude. Weighting of proprioceptive information of one leg has no influence on the weight of the proprioceptive information of the other leg. According to the sensory reweighting hypothesis, vestibular information must be up-weighted, because closing the eyes eliminates visual information.
机译:为了保持平衡,来自不同感觉系统的信息被集成以产生校正扭矩。当前的文献表明,该信息是根据感觉重加权假设进行组合的,即,较不可靠的信息对更可靠的信息进行了加权。在这种方法中,两条腿的贡献没有区别。在这项研究中,我们调查了如何结合双腿的本体感受信息来保持直立姿势。健康的受试者在闭眼的情况下保持平衡,而通过支撑平台(SS)和人体通过平台平移的连续旋转独立地干扰了每条腿的本体感受信息。测试了两个条件:一个SS的摄动幅度比试验增加,而另一个SS 1)不动或2)摄动幅度恒定。使用系统识别技术,确定了脚踝扭矩对摄动幅度的响应(即扭矩敏感度函数),并估算了每条腿对稳定姿势(即稳定机制)的贡献程度。一个SS的振幅增加会导致扭矩灵敏度降低。对恒定扰动SS的转矩灵敏度没有显着差异。在每个SS的扰动过程中,稳定机制的特性保持不变。这项研究表明,来自每条腿的本体感受信息是独立加权的,并且重量会随着摄动幅度的增加而降低。一条腿的本体感受信息的权重对另一条腿的本体感受信息的权重没有影响。根据感觉上的加权假设,前庭信息必须进行加权,因为闭上眼睛会消除视觉信息。



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