首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Excitation of mouse superficial dorsal horn neurons by histamine and/or PAR-2 agonist: potential role in itch.

Excitation of mouse superficial dorsal horn neurons by histamine and/or PAR-2 agonist: potential role in itch.


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Recent studies have suggested the existence of separate transduction mechanisms and sensory pathways for histamine and nonhistaminergic types of itch. We studied whether histamine and an agonist of the protease-activated receptor (PAR)-2, associated with nonhistaminergic itch, excite murine dorsal horn neurons. Single units were recorded in superficial lumbar dorsal horn of adult ICR mice anesthetized with pentobarbital. Unit activity was searched using a small intradermal hindpaw injection of histamine or the PAR-2 agonist SLIGRL-NH2. Isolated units were subsequently challenged with intradermal histamine followed by SLIGRL-NH2 (each 50 microg/1 microl) or reverse order, followed by mechanical, thermal, and algogenic stimuli. Forty-three units were classified as wide dynamic range (62%), nociceptive specific (22%), or mechano insensitive (16%). Twenty units gave prolonged (mean, 10 min) discharges to intradermal injection of histamine; 76% responded to subsequent SLIGRL-NH2, often more briefly. Units additionally responded to noxious heat (63%), cooling (43%), topical mustard oil (53%), and intradermal capsaicin (67%). Twenty-two other units gave prolonged (mean, 5 min) responses to initial intradermal injection of SLIGRL-NH2; 85% responded to subsequent intradermal histamine. They also responded to noxious heat (75%), mustard oil (93%), capsaicin (63%), and one to cooling. Most superficial dorsal horn neurons were excited by both histamine and the PAR-2 agonist, suggesting overlapping pathways for histamine- and non-histamine-mediated itch. Because the large majority of pruritogen-responsive neurons also responded to noxious stimuli, itch may be signaled at least partly by a population code.
机译:最近的研究表明存在针对组胺和非组胺能性瘙痒的单独的转导机制和感觉途径。我们研究了组胺和非组胺能止痒相关的蛋白酶激活受体(PAR)-2的激动剂是否能激发小鼠背角神经元。在用戊巴比妥麻醉的成年ICR小鼠的浅表腰背角中记录单个单位。使用组胺或PAR-2激动剂SLIGRL-NH2的小型皮内后足注射来搜索单位活性。随后用皮内组胺,SLIGRL-NH2(每份50微克/ 1微升)或相反顺序攻击分离的单位,然后进行机械,热和生藻刺激。 43个单位分为宽动态范围(62%),伤害感受特异性(22%)或对机械力不敏感(16%)。皮内注射组胺可延长20个单位的放电时间(平均10分钟)。 76%的人对随后的SLIGRL-NH2做出了反应,通常反应时间更短。单位还对有毒热量(63%),冷却(43%),局部芥末油(53%)和皮内辣椒素(67%)做出了反应。其他22个单位对首次皮内注射SLIGRL-NH2的反应延长(平均5分钟)。 85%对随后的皮内组胺反应。他们还对有毒的热量(75%),芥末油(93%),辣椒素(63%)和冷却做出了反应。组胺和PAR-2激动剂都刺激了大多数浅表背角神经元,表明组胺和非组胺介导的瘙痒途径重叠。因为绝大多数对促甜素有反应的神经元也对有害刺激做出了反应,所以瘙痒可能至少部分地由人群代码来表示。



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