首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Northeast Agricultural University >Preliminary research on regional material flow analysis: a case study of Chengyang District in Qingdao.

Preliminary research on regional material flow analysis: a case study of Chengyang District in Qingdao.


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The method 'material flow analysis (MFA)' is one of the effective tools to study law and quantification of material flow between economic system and ecological system. On the national level, economy-wide material flow analysis was published for a number of countries. However, published studies on the regional or local level are still very limited and a standardized method does not exist yet. On the basis of framework of material flow analysis proposed by Eurostat, the paper collected related data and analysed material input and output for the Chengyang district in Qingdao, Shandong, China. The results showed that direct material input (DMI) and total material requirement (TMR) in absolute number increased approximately 3.6 and 3.9 times, respectively from 1995 to 2004. Fossil fuel and mineral contributed to approximately 50.3-76.3% of DMI. Imports of material increased approximately 5.0 times and became the most important contributor to DMI, which showed that local economic growth was highly dependent on resources from other regions and countries. Domestic processed output (DPO) and total domestic output (TDO) represent slow increasing trend, and DPO contributed 22.2-58.1% of TDO, suggesting local hidden flows had obvious effect on TDO. The biggest component of DPO is CO2, approximately accounting for 90% of DPO. The material productivity increased 57.7% in last decade, reflecting improvement of efficiency of resources utilization in some extent. However, compared to developed countries and regions, material productivity of Chengyang district was relatively low. Therefore, to promote the sustainability, it is essential to develop circular economy and enhance materials productivity.
机译:“物质流分析(MFA)”方法是研究经济系统与生态系统之间物质流的规律和量化的有效工具之一。在国家一级,针对许多国家发布了全经济范围的物质流分析。然而,在地区或地方层面上已发表的研究仍然非常有限,并且还没有标准化的方法。在欧统局提出的物质流分析框架的基础上,本文收集了相关数据并分析了山东青岛城阳区的物质投入和产出。结果表明,从1995年到2004年,直接材料输入(DMI)和总材料需求(TMR)的绝对数量分别增加了约3.6倍和3.9倍。化石燃料和矿物约占DMI的50.3-76.3%。原材料进口增长了约5.0倍,成为DMI的最重要贡献,这表明当地经济增长高度依赖于其他地区和国家的资源。国内加工产出(DPO)和国内生产总值(TDO)呈现缓慢增长趋势,DPO贡献了TDO的22.2-58.1%,表明当地的隐性流量对TDO有明显的影响。 DPO的最大成分是二氧化碳,约占DPO的90%。近十年来,物质生产率提高了57.7%,在一定程度上反映了资源利用效率的提高。但是,与发达国家和地区相比,城阳区的物质生产力相对较低。因此,为了促进可持续性,发展循环经济和提高材料生产率至关重要。



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