首页> 外文期刊>CNS drugs >Psychopharmacological treatment of neurocognitive deficits in people with schizophrenia: a review of old and new targets.

Psychopharmacological treatment of neurocognitive deficits in people with schizophrenia: a review of old and new targets.


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Neurocognitive impairments significantly contribute to disability and the overall clinical picture in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. There has therefore been a concerted effort, guided by the discovery of neurotransmitter and synaptic systems in the central nervous system, to develop and test compounds that may ameliorate neurocognitive deficits. The current article summarizes the results of efforts to test neurocognitive-enhancing agents in schizophrenia. Overall, existing clinical trials provide little reason to be enthusiastic about the benefits of psychopharmacological agents at enhancing neurocognition in schizophrenia-a state of affairs that may reflect the inadequacy of single neurotransmitter or receptor models. The etiologic and phenomenological complexity of neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia may be better served by psychopharmacological agents that (i) target neurotransmitter systems proximal in the causal chain to neurocognitive deficits; (ii) enhance distal survival processes in the central nervous system-neurogenesis, neuronal growth, synaptogenesis, and connectivity; and (iii) counteract the negative effects of aberrant neurodevelopment in schizophrenia, such as neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. Future efforts to develop psychopharmacological agents for neurocognitive impairment in schizophrenia should reflect the knowledge of its complex etiology by addressing aberrations along its causal chain. Clinical trials may benefit methodologically from (i) an appreciation of the phenomenological heterogeneity of neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia; (ii) a characterization of the predictors of treatment response; and (iii) a recognition of issues of sample size, statistical power, treatment duration, and dosing.
机译:神经认知障碍在精神分裂症谱系障碍中极大地导致了残疾和整体临床情况。因此,在发现中枢神经系统中的神经递质和突触系统的指导下,人们进行了共同的努力,以开发和测试可改善神经认知功能障碍的化合物。本文总结了测试精神分裂症中神经认知增强剂的结果。总体而言,现有的临床试验几乎没有理由对精神药物在增强精神分裂症中的神经认知方面的热情充满热情,这种情况可能反映出单个神经递质或受体模型的不足。精神药物可以更好地解决精神分裂症中神经认知缺陷的病因和现象学复杂性,这些药物包括:(i)将因果链中最接近的神经递质系统靶向神经认知缺陷; (ii)增强中枢神经系统的远端存活过程-神经发生,神经元生长,突触发生和连通性; (iii)抵消精神分裂症中异常神经发育的负面影响,例如神经炎症和氧化应激。未来开发用于精神分裂症神经认知损害​​的心理药物的努力应通过解决其因果链上的异常来反映其复杂病因学知识。临床试验可以从方法上受益于(i)精神分裂症患者神经认知缺陷的现象学异质性; (ii)表征治疗反应的预测因素; (iii)对样本量,统计功效,治疗持续时间和剂量问题的认识。



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