首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology >Use of aqueous and cow urine based plant extracts against post-harvest diseases of apple.

Use of aqueous and cow urine based plant extracts against post-harvest diseases of apple.


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The efficacy in vitro of water and cow urine-based botanical formulations against important postharvest pathogens of apple (Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, Glomerella cingulata, Botryosphaeria, Penicillium expansum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Trichothecium roseum) was evaluated. Six plants (Bougainvillea glabra, Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus globulus, Roylea elegans, Dodonaea viscosa and Mentha piperita) were evaluated as Field Formulations I (FF-I, with water) and II (FF-II, with cow urine), each at 10, 25 and 50%. FF-II resulted in 69.8-93.4% reduction in the mycelial growth of the pathogens in comparison to 53.5-84.1% reduction in FF-I at 10.0%. Increase in the concentration of these formulations resulted in higher inhibition of the mycelial growth. As FF-II was found effective in vitro against the pathogens, its efficacy against postharvest rots of apple was evaluated and compared with wax coating (Carnauba wax) and chemical treatment (fruit dip) in fungicide Saaf. The efficacy of FF-II was evaluated as direct skin coating of fruits and also by impregnating the butter paper wrappers which were then used for covering the fruits. Fruits wrapped in wrappers impregnated with FF-II was found at par with fruit dip in Saaf, with 80% reduction in fruit rot compared to the control at 75 days after storage. Though fruit firmness was highest (15 lbs per square inch) in fruits coated with wax, fruits wrapped with impregnated wrappers with FF-II and fruit dipped in Saaf also had fruit firmness of 14 lbs per square inch compared to 11 lbs in the control. Total soluble solids (TSS) was lowest (13.5%) in fruits coated with wax. FF-II also had lower (15 and 1.5) TSS compared to other treatments. Fruit dip in Saaf was the most effective in reducing surface microflora (87.7%), while FF-II resulted in 85.2% reduction.
机译:评估了基于水和牛尿的植物制剂对苹果重要的收获后病原体(Alternaria alternata,灰葡萄孢,Glomerella cingulata,Botryosphaeria,expanumiumium,Rhizopus stolonifer和Trichothecium roseum)的体外功效。六种植物(九重葛,子,桉树,线虫,线虫,十二指肠和薄荷)被评估为田地配方I(FF-I,加水)和II(FF-II,加牛尿),每株10 ,25%和50%。 FF-II使病原体的菌丝体生长减少了69.8-93.4%,而FF-I减少了13.5%的53.5-84.1%。这些制剂的浓度增加导致对菌丝体生长的更高抑制。由于发现FF-II在体外对病原体有效,因此评估了其对苹果采后腐烂的功效,并将其与杀菌剂Saaf中的蜡涂层(巴西棕榈蜡)和化学处理(果浸)进行了比较。 FF-II的功效可直接涂在水果上,也可通过浸渍黄油纸包装纸(然后用于覆盖水果)进行评估。在Saaf中发现,用FF-II浸渍的包装纸包裹的水果与Saaf中的水果蘸酱持平,在储存75天后,与对照组相比,水果腐烂减少80%。尽管在涂有蜡的水果中,水果的硬度最高(每平方英寸15磅),但用FF-II浸渍包装纸包裹的水果和浸入Saaf的水果也具有14磅/平方英寸的水果硬度,而对照组为11磅。涂有蜡的水果中的总可​​溶性固形物(TSS)最低(13.5%)。与其他疗法相比,FF-II的TSS也更低(分别为15和1.5)。在Saaf中浸果对减少表面微生物区系最有效(87.7%),而FF-II减少85.2%。



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