首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuroimaging >Talairach-based parcellation of neonatal brain magnetic resonance imaging data: validation of a new approach.

Talairach-based parcellation of neonatal brain magnetic resonance imaging data: validation of a new approach.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Talairach-based parcellation (TP) of human brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data has been used increasingly in clinical research to make regional measurements of brain structures in vivo. Recently, TP has been applied to pediatric research to elucidate the changes in regional brain volumes related to several neurological disorders. However, all freely available tools have been designed to parcellate adult brain MRI data. Parcellation of neonatal MRI data is very challenging owing to the lack of strong signal contrast, variability in signal intensity within tissues, and the small size and thus difficulty in identifying small structures used as landmarks for TP. Hence the authors designed and validated a new interactive tool to parcellate brain MRI data from newborns and young infants. METHODS: The authors' tool was developed as part of a postprocessing pipeline, which includes registration of multichannel MR images, segmentation, and parcellation of the segmented data. The tool employs user-friendly interactive software to visualize and assign the anatomic landmarks required for parcellation, after which the planes and parcels are generated automatically by the algorithm. The authors then performed 3 sets of validation experiments to test the precision and reliability of their tool. RESULTS: Validation experiments of intra-and interrater reliability on data obtained from newborn and 1-year-old children showed a very high sensitivity of >95% and specificity >99.9%. The authors also showed that rotating and reformatting the original MRI data results in a statistically significant difference in parcel volumes, demonstrating the importance of using a tool such as theirs that does not require realignment of the data prior to parcellation. CONCLUSIONS: To the authors' knowledge, the presented approach is the first TP method that has been developed and validated specifically for neonatal brain MRI data. Their approach would also be valuable for the analysis of brain MRI data from older children and adults.
机译:背景与目的:基于Talairach的人脑磁共振成像(MRI)数据的分割(TP)在临床研究中已越来越多地用于对体内脑结构进行区域测量。最近,TP已被应用于儿科研究,以阐明与几种神经系统疾病有关的局部脑容量的变化。但是,所有免费提供的工具均已设计为可分解成人大脑MRI数据。由于缺乏强的信号对比度,组织内信号强度的变化以及体积小,因此难以识别用作TP标志的小型结构,新生儿MRI数据的分集非常具有挑战性。因此,作者设计并验证了一种新的交互式工具,可以对新生儿和幼儿的脑MRI数据进行分解。方法:作者的工具是作为后处理管道的一部分开发的,该管道包括多通道MR图像的配准,分段和分段数据的分割。该工具使用用户友好的交互式软件来可视化并分配分割所需的解剖界标,然后通过算法自动生成平面和地块。然后,作者进行了3组验证实验,以测试其工具的精度和可靠性。结果:根据从新生儿和1岁儿童获得的数据进行的内和间信度验证实验表明,其敏感性非常高,> 95%,特异性> 99.9%。这组作者还表明,旋转和重新格式化原始MRI数据会导致包裹体积在统计上有显着差异,这表明使用诸如此类的工具的重要性,该工具不需要在拼写之前重新排列数据。结论:据作者所知,本文提出的方法是专门针对新生儿脑MRI数据开发和验证的首个TP方法。他们的方法对于分析年龄较大的儿童和成年人的脑MRI数据也将非常有价值。



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