首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuroendocrinology >Facilitation or inhibition of the oestradiol-induced gonadotrophin surge in the immature female rat by progesterone: effects on pituitary responsiveness to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), GnRH self-priming and pituitary mRNAs for the progeste

Facilitation or inhibition of the oestradiol-induced gonadotrophin surge in the immature female rat by progesterone: effects on pituitary responsiveness to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), GnRH self-priming and pituitary mRNAs for the progeste


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Progesterone can either facilitate or inhibit the oestradiol (E(2))-induced gonadotrophin surge. We have previously developed immature female rat models to characterise and investigate the mechanisms of progesterone inhibition or facilitation. The aim of the present study was to determine the role of pituitary responsiveness to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and GnRH self-priming under conditions of progesterone-facilitation and progesterone-inhibition, and whether the underlying mechanisms reflect changes in mRNAs encoding the A and B isoforms of the progesterone receptor (PR) in the pituitary gland. Pituitary responsiveness to GnRH, determined by measuring the luteinising hormone (LH) response to one i.v. injection of GnRH, was decreased by 60-80% (P < 0.001) in the progesterone-inhibition model. GnRH self-priming, estimated as the increment in the LH response to the second of two injections of GnRH separated by 60 min, was also significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in this model. In the progesterone-facilitation model, the LH response to GnRH injection was increased 2.5-3-fold (P < 0.05), an effect suppressed by the progesterone receptor antagonist, mifepristone. Progesterone-facilitation of LH release and increased pituitary responsiveness to GnRH were blocked by sheep anti-GnRH serum injected i.v. immediately after insertion of progesterone implants. The PR-B mRNA isoform, measured by solution hybridisation/RNase protection assay, was the predominant form in the pituitary of the immature female rat. PR-B was increased by E(2) and decreased by progesterone in both models. Thus, in immature female rats, progesterone-inhibition of the E(2)-induced LH surge is due to significant reduction in pituitary responsiveness to GnRH as well as in the magnitude of GnRH self-priming. Progesterone-facilitation of the E(2)-induced LH surge is due to increased pituitary responsiveness to GnRH, which is mediated by PR, and depends on endogenous GnRH release. The differences between progesterone-facilitation and progesterone-inhibition are not due to differences in regulation of pituitary PR-B mRNA.
机译:孕酮可以促进或抑制雌二醇(E(2))诱导的促性腺激素激增。我们以前已经开发了不成熟的雌性大鼠模型来表征和研究孕酮抑制或促进机制。本研究的目的是确定在促孕激素和抑制孕激素的条件下垂体对促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)和GnRH自引发的反应的作用,以及其潜在机制是否反映了编码A的mRNA的变化。垂体中孕激素受体(PR)的B和B同工型。对GnRH的垂体反应性,是通过测量对一种静脉注射的黄体生成激素(LH)的反应来确定的。在孕酮抑制模型中,注射GnRH的剂量减少了60-80%(P <0.001)。在此模型中,GnRH自吸(估计为LH对两次GnRH注射间隔60分钟的注射的第二次反应的增量)也显着降低了(P <0.05)。在促进孕激素的模型中,对GnRH注射的LH反应增加了2.5-3倍(P <0.05),这被孕激素受体拮抗剂米非司酮抑制。静脉注射绵羊抗GnRH血清可阻止黄体酮促进LH释放和增加垂体对GnRH的反应性。插入黄体酮植入物后立即进行。通过溶液杂交/ RNA酶保护试验测定的PR-B mRNA同工型是未成熟雌性大鼠脑垂体的主要形式。在两个模型中,PR-B均通过E(2)升高,而孕酮则降低。因此,在未成熟的雌性大鼠中,黄体酮对E(2)诱导的LH激增的抑制作用是由于垂体对GnRH的反应性显着降低以及GnRH自吸的程度所致。孕酮促进E(2)引起的LH激增是由于垂体对GnRH的反应性增加,这由PR介导,并取决于内源性GnRH的释放。促进孕激素和抑制孕激素之间的差异不是由于垂体PR-B mRNA调节的差异所致。



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