首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Involvement of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in amyloid precursor protein-mediated neuronal cell death.

Involvement of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in amyloid precursor protein-mediated neuronal cell death.

机译:c-Jun N末端激酶参与淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白介导的神经元细胞死亡。

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Amyloid precursor protein (APP), the precursor of Abeta, has been shown to function as a cell surface receptor that mediates neuronal cell death by anti-APP antibody. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) can mediate various neurotoxic signals, including Abeta neurotoxicity. However, the relationship of APP-mediated neurotoxicity to JNK is not clear, partly because APP cytotoxicity is Abeta independent. Here we examined whether JNK is involved in APP-mediated neuronal cell death and found that: (i) neuronal cell death by antibody-bound APP was inhibited by dominant-negative JNK, JIP-1b and SP600125, the specific inhibitor of JNK, but not by SB203580 or PD98059; (ii) constitutively active (ca) JNK caused neuronal cell death and (iii) the pharmacological profile of caJNK-mediated cell death closely coincided with that of APP-mediated cell death. Pertussis toxin (PTX) suppressed APP-mediated cell death but not caJNK-induced cell death, which was suppressed by Humanin, a newly identified neuroprotective factorwhich inhibits APP-mediated cytotoxicity. In the presence of PTX, the PTX-resistant mutant of Galphao, but not that of Galphai, recovered the cytotoxic action of APP. These findings demonstrate that JNK is involved in APP-mediated neuronal cell death as a downstream signal transducer of Go.
机译:淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP)是Abeta的前体,已被证明可充当细胞表面受体,通过抗APP抗体介导神经元细胞死亡。 c-Jun N末端激酶(JNK)可以介导各种神经毒性信号,包括Abeta神经毒性。但是,APP介导的神经毒性与JNK的关系尚不清楚,部分原因是APP的细胞毒性是Abeta独立的。在这里,我们检查了JNK是否参与APP介导的神经元细胞死亡,并发现:(i)抗体结合的APP导致的神经元细胞死亡受到JNK的特异性阴性抑制剂JNK,JIP-1b和SP600125的抑制,但是SB203580或PD98059除外; (ii)组成型活性(ca)JNK引起神经元细胞死亡,以及(iii)caJNK介导的细胞死亡的药理学特征与APP介导的细胞死亡的药理学特征非常吻合。百日咳毒素(PTX)抑制APP介导的细胞死亡,但不抑制caJNK诱导的细胞死亡,而后者被Humanin抑制,Humanin是一种新发现的抑制APP介导的细胞毒性的神经保护因子。在存在PTX的情况下,Galphao的PTX抗药性突变体恢复了APP的细胞毒作用,但Galphai却没有。这些发现表明,JNK作为Go的下游信号转导子,参与APP介导的神经元细胞死亡。



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