首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Changes in mACh, NMDA and GABA(A) receptor binding after lateral fluid-percussion injury: in vitro autoradiography of rat brain frozen sections.

Changes in mACh, NMDA and GABA(A) receptor binding after lateral fluid-percussion injury: in vitro autoradiography of rat brain frozen sections.


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Adult rats were subjected to a moderate lateral fluid percussion injury (FPI), followed by survival periods of 2 and 12 h. Regional NMDA subtype glutamate, muscarinic acetylcholine and GABA(A) receptor binding in various brain regions was analysed by quantitative in vitro autoradiography and short-lived positron emission tomography tracers [11C]cyano-dizocilpine, 4-N-[11C]methylpiperidylbenzilate (4-N-[11C]MPB), and [11C]flumazenil, respectively. The binding potential (BP, Bmax/KD) was calculated. The data with [11C]cyano-dizocilpine showed a significant decrease in BP bilaterally for the frontoparietal cortex and hippocampus at both time points, in comparison with that of the sham-operated controls. At 12 h the decrease was significantly more prominent for the ipsilateral cortex and hippocampus than for the contralateral side. The BP of 4-N-[11C]MPB was significantly decreased after 2 h for the trauma-side hippocampus, and after 12 h it had decreased for the trauma-site cortex and the bilateral hippocampus. The [11C]flumazenil exhibited a significant decrease in BP for the trauma-site cortex and the underlying hippocampus by 2 h after the traumatic brain injury. After 12 h a significantly decreased BP was observed only for the trauma-site cortex. The finding of a decreased BP demonstrates the involvement of these receptor systems in the development of cellular dysfunction, which is widespread and not limited to the site of lateral FPI.
机译:成年大鼠受到中等程度的侧面液体敲击伤害(FPI),然后存活2到12小时。通过定量体外放射自显影和短暂的正电子发射断层显像示踪剂[11C]氰基-二唑西平,4-N- [11C]甲基哌啶子基苯甲酸酯(4),分析了大脑各个区域的NMDA亚型谷氨酸,毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱和GABA(A)受体结合-N- [11C] MPB)和[11C]氟马西尼。计算结合电位(BP,Bmax / KD)。与假手术对照组相比,[11C]氰基-二唑西平的数据显示,在两个时间点,额叶前额叶皮层和海马的BP均显着下降。在12 h时,同侧皮质和海马体的减少比对侧显着。创伤侧海马区2 h后4-N- [11C] MPB的血压显着降低,创伤部位皮质和双侧海马区12 h后的BP降低。脑外伤后2小时,[11C]氟马西尼对创伤部位皮质和海马下部的BP显着降低。 12小时后,仅在创伤部位的皮层中观察到BP明显降低。 BP降低的发现表明这些受体系统参与了细胞功能障碍的发展,这是广泛存在的并且不限于侧向FPI的部位。



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