首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >The proteins synaptotagmin and syntaxin are not general targets of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome autoantibody.

The proteins synaptotagmin and syntaxin are not general targets of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome autoantibody.


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Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease in which impairment of Ca2+ entry into the nerve ending and consequent impaired release of acetylcholine (ACh) results in muscle weakness. The identity of the primary antigenic target molecule(s) of the autoantibodies is uncertain. Electrophysiological studies and 45Ca2+ uptake studies implicate a direct effect on the Ca2+ channel complex at the motor nerve terminal. Some recent studies, however, suggest a more indirect interference caused by binding of autoantibodies to synaptotagmin or syntaxin, molecules presumed to be involved in docking and/or coupling the synaptic vesicles to the Ca2+ channels in the active zone for vesicle exocytosis and transmitter release. Western blot analyses of rat and human brain membrane proteins and pure recombinant synaptotagmin and syntaxin were used to examine directly the targets of LEMS autoantibodies and determine specifically whether or not synaptotagmin and/or syntaxin were general targets in LEMS. IgG from 14 patients with LEMS was used to probe western blots of gels containing synaptotagmin, syntaxin, rat synaptosomal proteins, and human brain membrane proteins. Several similar immunoreactive bands were observed using both rat and human brain membranes. These include high-molecular-weight protein bands whose size would be consistent with being components of Ca2+ channels. No reactive component was observed against either syntaxin or synaptotagmin in IgG of the 14 LEMS patients. However, both human and rat brain membranes contain proteins recognized by antibodies directed against synaptotagmin or syntaxin, indicating their immunologic relatedness and evolutionary conservation. These results suggest that large-molecular-weight proteins consistent with being Ca2+ channel subunits rather than syntaxin and synaptotagmin are general targets of LEMS autoantibodies.
机译:Lambert-Eaton重症肌无力综合症(LEMS)是一种自身免疫性神经肌肉疾病,其中Ca2 +进入神经末梢的损伤以及乙酰胆碱(ACh)的释放受损导致肌肉无力。自身抗体的主要抗原靶分子的身份尚不确定。电生理学研究和45Ca2 +吸收研究暗示了对运动神经末梢Ca2 +通道复合物的直接影响。然而,最近的一些研究表明,由自身抗体与突触小分子或语法素的结合引起的更间接的干扰被认为与突触小泡对接和/或偶联在活性区中的Ca 2+通道有关,从而使小泡胞吐和递质释放。使用大鼠和人脑膜蛋白以及纯重组突触结合蛋白和语法素的蛋白质印迹分析直接检查LEMS自身抗体的靶标,并具体确定突触标记素和/或语法素是否是LEMS的通用靶标。来自14名LEMS患者的IgG被用于探测含有突触标签蛋白,语法素,大鼠突触体蛋白和人脑膜蛋白的凝胶的蛋白质印迹。使用大鼠和人脑膜都观察到了几个类似的免疫反应带。这些包括高分子量蛋白条带,其大小与Ca2 +通道的成分一致。 14名LEMS患者的IgG中未观察到针对语法素或突触结合蛋白的反应性成分。但是,人脑膜和大鼠脑膜均含有被突触突触素或语法素抗体识别的蛋白质,表明它们的免疫学相关性和进化保守性。这些结果表明,与Ca2 +通道亚基一致的大分子蛋白质,而不是语法素和突触结合素,是LEMS自身抗体的一般靶标。



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