首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Identification of a mammalian homologue of the fungal Tom70 mitochondrial precursor protein import receptor as a thyroid hormone-regulated gene in specific brain regions.

Identification of a mammalian homologue of the fungal Tom70 mitochondrial precursor protein import receptor as a thyroid hormone-regulated gene in specific brain regions.


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Thyroid hormone is an important regulator of mammalian brain maturation. By differential display PCR, we isolated a cDNA clone (S2) that is specifically up-regulated in the striatum of neonatal hypothyroid rats. S2 was identified as KIAA0719, the first human gene distantly homologous to the fungal Tom70, which encodes a member of the translocase mitochondrial outer membrane complex involved in the import of preproteins into the mitochondria. By northern and in situ hybridization studies, KIAA0719 was found to be up-regulated in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, and discrete cortical layers of 15-day-old hypothyroid rats. In contrast, lower expression was found in the olfactory tubercle, whereas no differences were detected in other brain regions. Significantly, treatment of hypothyroid animals with single injections of thyroxine restored the normal levels of KIAA0719 expression. Moreover, treatment of control animals with thyroxine led to a reduced expression, demonstrating a negative hormonal regulation in vivo. Thus, KIAA0719 gene expression is regulated by thyroid hormone in the neonatal rat brain in a region-specific fashion. Given the role of the homologous Tom70 gene, the alteration of KIAA0719 expression may contribute to the changes in mitochondrial morphology and physiology caused by hypothyroidism in the developing rat brain.
机译:甲状腺激素是哺乳动物大脑成熟的重要调节剂。通过差异显示PCR,我们分离了一个cDNA克隆(S2),其在新生儿甲状腺功能减退大鼠纹状体中被上调。 S2被鉴定为KIAA0719,它是与真菌Tom70遥远同源的第一个人类基因,该基因编码涉及前体蛋白进入线粒体的跨酶线粒体外膜复合物的成员。通过北部和原位杂交研究,发现15天大的甲状腺功能减退大鼠的纹状体,伏隔核和不连续的皮质层中的KIAA0719被上调。相反,在嗅结节中发现较低的表达,而在其他脑区域未检测到差异。值得注意的是,用甲状腺素单次注射治疗甲状腺功能减退的动物恢复了KIAA0719表达的正常水平。此外,用甲状腺素处理对照动物导致表达降低,表明体内荷尔蒙调节为负。因此,KIAA0719基因的表达受到新生大鼠大脑中甲状腺激素的区域特异性调控。考虑到同源的Tom70基因的作用,KIAA0719表达的改变可能促进了发育中的大鼠大脑中甲状腺功能减退引起的线粒体形态和生理变化。



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