首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Serotonin stimulation of 5-HT4 receptors indirectly enhances in vivo dopamine release in the rat striatum.

Serotonin stimulation of 5-HT4 receptors indirectly enhances in vivo dopamine release in the rat striatum.

机译:5-HT 4受体的5-羟色胺刺激间接增强了大鼠纹状体内的体内多巴胺释放。

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Serotonin (5-HT) applied at 1, 3, and 10 microM into the striatum of halothane-anesthetized rats by in vivo microdialysis enhanced dopamine (DA) outflow up to 173, 283, and 584% of baseline values, respectively. The 5-HT effect was partially reduced by 1 or 10 microM GR 125,487, a 5-HT4 antagonist, and by 100 microM DAU 6285, a 5-HT3/4 antagonist, whereas the 5-HT1/2/6 antagonist methiothepin (50 microM) was ineffective. In the presence of tetrodotoxin the effect of 1 microM 5-HT was not affected by 5-HT4 antagonists. In addition, tetrodotoxin abolished the increase in DA release induced by the 5-HT4 agonist (S)- zacopride (100 microM). In striatal synaptosomes, 1 and 10 microM 5-HT increased the outflow of newly synthesized [3H]DA up to 163 and 635% of control values, respectively. The 5-HT4 agonists BIMU 8 and (S)-zacopride (1 and 10 microM) failed to modify [3H]DA outflow, whereas 5- methoxytryptamine (5-MeOT) at 10 microM increased it (62%). In prelabeled [3H]DA synaptosomes, 1 microM 5-HT, but not(S)-zacopride (1 and 10 microM), increased [3H]DA outflow. DAU 6285 (10 microM) failed to modify the enhancement of newly synthesized [3H]DA outflow induced by 5-MeOT or 5-HT (1 microM), whereas the effect of 5-HT was reduced to the same extent by the DA reuptake inhibitor nomifensine (1 microM) alone or in the presence of DAU 6285. These results show that striatal 5-HT4 receptors are involved in the 5-HT-induced enhancement of striatal DA release in vivo and that they are not located on striatal DA terminals.
机译:通过体内微透析以1、3和10 microM的浓度将5-羟色胺(5-HT)应用于氟烷麻醉的大鼠纹状体,使多巴胺(DA)流出量分别提高至基线值的173%,283%和584%。 5-HT的作用因5-HT4拮抗剂1或10 microM GR 125,487和5-HT3 / 4拮抗剂100 microM DAU 6285而部分降低,而5-HT1 / 2/6拮抗剂methiothepin(50 microM)无效。在河豚毒素存在下,1 microM 5-HT的作用不受5-HT4拮抗剂的影响。此外,河豚毒素消除了由5-HT4激动剂(S)-zacopride(100 microM)诱导的DA释放的增加。在纹状体突触小体中,1和10 microM 5-HT使新合成的[3H] DA的流出量分别增加至对照值的163和635%。 5-HT4激动剂BIMU 8和(S)-zacopride(1和10 microM)未能改变[3H] DA流出,而10 microM的5-甲氧基色胺(5-MeOT)增加了它(62%)。在预先标记的[3H] DA突触小体中,1 microM 5-HT而不是(S)-zacopride(1和10 microM)增加[3H] DA的流出。 DAU 6285(10 microM)未能改变5-MeOT或5-HT(1 microM)诱导的新合成[3H] DA流出的增强,而DA重新摄取5-HT的作用降低了相同程度抑制剂诺米芬(1 microM)单独存在或存在DAU6285。这些结果表明,纹状体5-HT4受体参与了5-HT诱导的体内纹状体DA释放的增强,并且它们不位于纹状体DA末端。



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