首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Long-lasting up-regulation of orexin receptor type 2 protein levels in the rat nucleus accumbens after chronic cocaine administration.

Long-lasting up-regulation of orexin receptor type 2 protein levels in the rat nucleus accumbens after chronic cocaine administration.


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Hypothalamic orexin (hypocretin) neurons project to the key structures of the limbic system and orexin receptors, both orexin receptor type 1 (OXR1) and type 2 (OXR2), are expressed in most limbic regions. Emerging evidence suggests that orexin is among important neurotransmitters that regulate addictive properties of drugs of abuse. In this study, we examined the effect of psychostimulant cocaine on orexin receptor protein abundance in the rat limbic system in vivo. Intermittent administration of cocaine (20 mg/kg, i.p., once daily for 5 days) caused a typical behavioral sensitization response to a challenge cocaine injection at a 14-day withdrawal period. Repeated cocaine administration at the same withdrawal time also increased OXR2 protein levels in the nucleus accumbens while repeated cocaine had no effect on OXR1 and orexin neuropeptide (both orexin-A and orexin-B) levels in this region. In contrast to the nucleus accumbens, OXR2 levels in the frontal cortex, the ventral tegmental area, the hippocampus, and the dorsal striatum (caudate putamen) were not altered by cocaine. Remarkably, the up-regulated OXR2 levels in the nucleus accumbens showed a long-lasting nature as it persisted up to 60 days after the discontinuation of repeated cocaine treatments. In contrast to chronic cocaine administration, an acute cocaine injection was insufficient to modify levels of any orexin receptor and peptide. Our data identify the up-regulation of OXR2 in the nucleus accumbens as an enduring molecular event that is correlated well with behavioral plasticity in response to chronic psychostimulant administration. This OXR2 up-regulation may reflect a key adaptation of limbic orexinergic transmission to chronic drug exposure and may thus be critical for the expression of motor plasticity.
机译:下丘脑的orexin(hypocretin)神经元投射到边缘系统的关键结构,并且在大多数边缘区域都表达了orexin受体1型(OXR1)和2型(OXR2)的orexin受体。越来越多的证据表明,食欲素是调节滥用药物成瘾性的重要神经递质之一。在这项研究中,我们研究了精神兴奋剂可卡因对体内大鼠缘系统中orexin受体蛋白丰度的影响。可卡因的间歇性给药(20 mg / kg,腹膜内注射,每天一次,连续5天)在14天的停药期引起对攻击性可卡因注射的典型行为敏化反应。在相同的戒断时间重复给予可卡因也可增加伏隔核中OXR2蛋白的水平,而重复可卡因对该区域的OXR1和orexin神经肽(orexin-A和orexin-B二者)均无影响。与伏隔核相反,可卡因不会改变额叶皮层,腹侧被盖区,海马和背侧纹状体(尾状壳状核)中的OXR2水平。值得注意的是,伏隔核中的OXR2水平上调显示了持久的性质,因为它在终止重复的可卡因治疗后持续了60天。与长期服用可卡因相反,急性可卡因注射不足以改变任何orexin受体和肽的水平。我们的数据确定伏隔核中OXR2的上调是一个持久的分子事件,与慢性精神刺激药的反应行为可塑性很好地相关。 OXR2的上调可能反映了边缘或exerinergic传递对慢性药物暴露的关键适应,因此可能对于运动可塑性的表达至关重要。



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