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Laparoscopic morcellator-related complications


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Morcellation at laparoscopy is a commonly used minimally invasive method to extract bulky tissue from the abdomen without extending abdominal incisions. Despite widespread use of morcellation, complications still remain underreported and poorly understood. We performed a systematic review of surgical centers in the United States to identify, collate and update the morcellator-related injuries and near misses associated with powered tissue removal. We searched articles on morcellator-related injuries published from 1993 through June 2013. In addition, all cases reported to MedSun and the FDA device database (MAUDE) were evaluated for inclusion. We used the search terms "morcellation," "morcellator," "parasitic," and "retained" and model name keywords "Morcellex," "MOREsolution," "PlasmaSORD," "Powerplus," "Rotocut," "SAWALHE," "Steiner," and "X-Tract." During the past 15 years, 55 complications were identified. Injuries involved the small and large bowels (n = 31), vascular system (n = 27), kidney (n = 3), ureter (n = 3), bladder (n = 1), and diaphragm (n = 1). Of these injuries, 11 involved more than 1 organ. Complications were identified intraoperatively in most patients (n = 37 [66%]); however, the remainder were not identified until up to 10 days postoperatively. Surgeon inexperience was a contributing factor in most cases in which a cause was ascribed. Six deaths were attributed to morcellator-related complications. Nearly all major complications were identified from the FDA device database and not from the published literature. The laparoscopic morcellator has substantially expanded our ability to complete procedures using minimally invasive techniques. Associated with this opportunity have been increasing reports of major and minor intraoperative complications. These complications are largely unreported, likely because of publication bias associated with catastrophic events. Surgeon experience likely confers some protection against these injuries. Understanding and implementing safe practices associated with the use of the laparoscopic morcellator will reduce these iatrogenic injuries.
机译:腹腔镜下的粉碎是一种通常使用的微创方法,可在不扩大腹部切口的情况下从腹部提取大块组织。尽管广泛使用粉碎法,但并发症仍然报道不足,了解甚少。我们对美国的手术中心进行了系统的审查,以识别,整理和更新与粉碎器相关的伤害以及与动力组织切除相关的未遂事故。我们搜索了1993年至2013年6月发表的与压迫器相关的伤害的文章。此外,还对所有报告给MedSun和FDA设备数据库(MAUDE)的病例进行了评估。我们使用搜索词“粉碎”,“粉碎器”,“寄生”和“保留”,以及模型名称关键字“ Morcellex”,“ MOREsolution”,“ PlasmaSORD”,“ Powerplus”,“ Rotocut”,“ SAWALHE”,“ Steiner”和“ X-Tract”。在过去的15年中,发现了55种并发症。损伤涉及大小肠(n = 31),血管系统(n = 27),肾脏(n = 3),输尿管(n = 3),膀胱(n = 1)和diaphragm肌(n = 1)。在这些伤害中,有11个涉及超过1个器官。大多数患者术中发现并发症(n = 37 [66%]);然而,其余的直到术后10天才被发现。在大多数情况下,外科医生经验不足是一个原因。六例死亡归因于与粉碎器相关的并发症。几乎所有主要并发症都是从FDA设备数据库中识别出来的,而不是从已发表的文献中识别出来的。腹腔镜粉碎机已大大扩展了我们使用微创技术完成手术的能力。与这一机会相关的是,有关术中主要和次要并发症的报道越来越多。这些并发症在很大程度上未报道,可能是由于与灾难性事件相关的出版偏见。外科医生的经验可能会为这些伤害提供一些保护。了解和实施与腹腔镜粉碎器相关的安全做法将减少这些医源性伤害。



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