首页> 外文期刊>Journal of minimally invasive gynecology >Vaginal repair of cesarean section scar diverticula.

Vaginal repair of cesarean section scar diverticula.


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To introduce a new vaginal surgery for repair of cesarean scar diverticula and to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment for correcting the anatomic defect and eliminating abnormal uterine bleeding.Retrospective clinical study (Canadian Task Force classification II-3).University-affiliated hospital.Data for 42 patients were reviewed retrospectively. All patients had abnormal uterine bleeding, prolonged menstrual flow, and/or postmenstrual spotting. The diagnosis of a cesarean scar diverticulum of the uterus was established using transvaginal ultrasound.Hysteroscopy was performed to visualize the defect if necessary. Vaginal repair involved excision of the scar and surrounding tissue, followed by closure using 2 layers of sutures.The median (range) duration of surgery was 60 (30-120) minutes; blood loss during surgery was 45 (10-100) mL; length of hospital stay was 3 (2-11) days. Perioperative complications occurred in 1 of 42 patients (2.4%). Follow-up ranged from 10 to 23 months. The efficacy of anatomic correction and rate of symptomatic relief was 92.9% (39 of 42 patients).Vaginal repair is a minimally invasive and effective surgical approach for treatment of uterine scar diverticula associated with previous cesarean section.
机译:介绍一种新的阴道手术以修复剖宫产瘢痕憩室,并评估该疗法对纠正解剖缺陷和消除子宫异常出血的有效性。回顾性临床研究(加拿大专责小组分类II-3)。大学附属医院。数据对42例患者进行回顾性回顾。所有患者均具有异常子宫出血,经期延长和/或月经后斑点。经阴道超声诊断为剖宫产子宫瘢痕憩室,必要时行宫腔镜检查以示子宫缺损。阴道修复包括切除疤痕和周围组织,然后用2层缝线缝合。手术的中位(持续时间)为60(30-120)分钟;手术期间失血量为45(10-100)mL;住院时间为3(2-11)天。 42名患者中有1名发生围手术期并发症(2.4%)。随访时间为10到23个月。解剖矫正和症状缓解率达92.9%(42例中的39例)。阴道修补是一种微创有效的手术方法,用于治疗与先前剖宫产有关的子宫瘢痕憩室。



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