首页> 外文期刊>Journal of minimally invasive gynecology >Transvaginal natural-orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) in adnexal procedures.

Transvaginal natural-orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) in adnexal procedures.


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From August 2010 to June 2011, 10 consecutive patients underwent transvaginal NOTES of the adnexa, including tubal sterilization in 3, salpingectomy because of ectopic pregnancy in 3, and ovarian tumor enucleation in 4. The mean (SD; 95% CI) age of the patients was 34.8 (9.7; 27.9-41.8) years, and their body mass index was 21.6 (2.8; 19.4-23.8). In 9 of the 10 patients, the procedure was completed. The 3 tubal sterilization procedures were completed in 18 to 30 minutes, with negligible blood loss. Operative time for the 3 salpingectomies because of ectopic pregnancy was 62 to 116 minutes. One of these procedures included management of 2000 mL hemoperitoneum. Three of the 4 attempts at ovarian enucleation were successfully completed within 64 to 162 minutes, with estimated blood loss ≤ 50 mL. One NOTES procedure failed because of a misdiagnosed peritoneal mucinous tumor located anterior to the uterus and inaccessible, leading to subsequent conversion to transabdominal laparoscopy. Our preliminary results show that purely transvaginal NOTES is feasible and safe for use in performing uterine adnexal procedures in selected patients. However, the procedure cannot be used in patients with cul-de-sac disease, and could have limited use in treating lesions located anterior to the uterus.
机译:从2010年8月至2011年6月,连续10例患者接受了阴道附件的阴道注治,其中3例行输卵管绝育,3例因异位妊娠而行输卵管切除术,4例行卵巢肿瘤摘除术。患者为34.8(9.7; 27.9-41.8)岁,其体重指数为21.6(2.8; 19.4-23.8)。 10名患者中有9名完成了手术。 3次输卵管消毒程序在18至30分钟内完成,失血量可忽略不计。 3例因异位妊娠而切除输卵管的手术时间为62至116分钟。这些程序之一包括管理2000 mL腹膜血。卵巢摘除术的4次尝试中有3次在64至162分钟内成功完成,估计失血量≤50 mL。一种NOTES程序失败是因为子宫前部的腹膜粘液性肿瘤被误诊且难以接近,导致随后转换为经腹腔镜检查。我们的初步结果表明,纯经阴道NOTES在选定的患者中进行子宫附件手术是可行且安全的。但是,该方法不能用于死因病患者,可能在治疗子宫前部病变时用途有限。



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