首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Natural History: An International Journal of Systematics and General Biology >Egg production of two sympatric species of Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Dogielinotidae) in aquaculture ponds in southern Brazil

Egg production of two sympatric species of Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Dogielinotidae) in aquaculture ponds in southern Brazil

机译:在巴西南部的水产养殖池塘中,两个Hyalella Smith的同养物种(甲壳纲,两栖纲,多毛纲科)的卵生产

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This study tests the hypothesis that sympatric species of Hyalella may show different reproductive strategies that permit their coexistence. Ovigerous females were collected monthly with nets during a 1-year period in two aquaculture trout ponds in Vale das Trutas, Sao José dos Ausentes County, southern Brazil. In both species there was a decrease in the number of embryos in the brood pouch during embryonic development, and an increase in egg volume. However, the two species differed in the body size of ovigerous females, number of eggs and juveniles per female, brood mortality rate, egg size and hatching size of juveniles. Egg produc_tion continued throughout the year, with the highest number of eggs produced during winter and spring by Hyalella pleoacuta, and winter, spring and autumn by Hyalella castroi. These differences in the reproductive traits of species of Hyalella may permit their coexistence in nature.
机译:这项研究检验了假单胞菌物种可能显示出不同的繁殖策略,使其共存的假说。在巴西南部圣若泽杜斯·奥森特斯县的淡水河谷的两个水产养殖鳟鱼池塘中,在一年的时间内,每月用网捕捞雌雄同体。在这两个物种中,胚胎发育过程中育雏袋中的胚胎数量均减少,并且卵量增加。然而,这两个物种在有卵的雌性个体的体型,每个雌性的卵和幼体的数量,育雏死亡率,卵的大小和幼体的孵化率方面有所不同。全年持续产卵,在冬季和春季,Hyalella pleoacuta产卵的数量最多,而在Hyalella castroi冬季,春季和秋季产卵的数量最多。 Hyalella物种的生殖性状上的这些差异可能允许它们在自然界中共存。



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