
Aerogels as biosensors: viral particle detection by bacteria immobilized on large pore aerogel


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A proof-of-principle study is reported in which bacteria were immobilized within macroporous, supercritically dried silica sol-gel discs and signal induction was demonstrated by aerosolized virus particles. Escherischia coli (pET-gfp) bacteria-doped gels were used as an aerosol collector to detect bacteriophage. The bacteriophage (10(5) and 10(8) plaque forming units/ml) (pfu/ml) were aerosolized through the discs for 10 min, at a flow rate of 1.75 l/min and aerosol humidity of 70%. The discs were then incubated in bacterial growth media for 4 h and green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression monitored. The induction of GFP indicated that both bacteriophage and bacteria survived the stressful desiccating conditions of the aerosol challenge. Scanning confocal laser microscopic (SCLM) analysis demonstrated that the bacteriophage contacted viable bacteria and induced expression of the GFP in 35-95% of the bacterial cells. These findings indicate that virus particles can penetrate the structure of macroporous silica gels and trigger a detectable response in immobilized bacteria. The goal is to use microorganisms immobilized within these materials to facilitate the detection of chemicals and organisms within the environment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 7]
机译:据报道,有一项原理证明研究,其中细菌被固定在大孔,超临界干燥的硅胶溶胶-凝胶盘中,并且通过雾化病毒颗粒证明了信号诱导。大肠杆菌(pET-gfp)细菌掺杂的凝胶用作气溶胶捕集剂,用于检测噬菌体。将噬菌体(10(5)和10(8)噬菌斑形成单位/ ml)(pfu / ml)通过圆盘雾化10分钟,流速为1.75 l / min,气溶胶湿度为70%。然后将光盘在细菌生长培养基中孵育4小时,并监测绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的表达。 GFP的诱导表明噬菌体和细菌都在气溶胶激发的压力干燥条件下幸免。扫描共聚焦激光显微镜(SCLM)分析表明,噬菌体接触了活细菌并诱导了35-95%的细菌细胞中GFP的表达。这些发现表明,病毒颗粒可以穿透大孔硅胶的结构,并在固定细菌中触发可检测的反应。目的是使用固定在这些材料中的微生物来促进环境中化学物质和生物的检测。 (C)2001 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:7]


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