首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine. >Interpedicular graft using a titanium mesh cage in a patient with lumbar scoliosis associated with a congenital butterfly vertebra.

Interpedicular graft using a titanium mesh cage in a patient with lumbar scoliosis associated with a congenital butterfly vertebra.


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A butterfly vertebra is a congenital anomaly often associated with a series of syndromic diseases and is often recognized incidentally without any presenting symptoms. The authors report the case of a 13-year-old girl with lumbar scoliosis and mild spondylolisthesis associated with a butterfly vertebra at L-6 causing radiculopathy. The L-5 and L-6 nerve roots were entrapped at the intervertebral foramina between L-5 and the butterfly vertebra (L-6) and between L-6 and S-1 in the concave side. To decompress and preserve the two nerve roots, correct the deformity, and obtain a solid bone fusion, surgery involving the thorough removal of the facet joints between L-5 and L-6 and between L-6 and S-1 in the concave side was performed, with a partial resection of the butterfly vertebra and the placement of a titanium mesh cage between the L-5 and S-1 pedicles dorsal to the nerve roots. Complete pain relief and correction of the deformity with solid bone fusion was obtained after a 2-year follow-up period.
机译:蝴蝶椎骨是一种先天性异常,通常与一系列综合症有关,并且经常被偶然发现而没有任何症状。作者报告了一个13岁女孩的腰椎侧弯和轻度腰椎滑脱伴L-6蝶形椎体引起神经根病的病例。 L-5和L-6神经根被卡在L-5和蝴蝶椎骨(L-6)之间以及在L-6和S-1之间的椎间孔内凹侧。为了减压和保留两个神经根,矫正畸形并获得牢固的骨融合,需要彻底切除L-5和L-6之间以及L-6和S-1之间凹面的小面关节的手术进行了部分切除蝶形椎骨,并在背对神经根的L-5和S-1椎弓根之间放置了钛网笼。经过2年的随访,获得了完全的疼痛缓解,并通过实心骨融合矫正了畸形。



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