首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics. >Long-term change in ventricular size following endoscopic third ventriculostomy for hydrocephalus due to tectal plate gliomas: Clinical article

Long-term change in ventricular size following endoscopic third ventriculostomy for hydrocephalus due to tectal plate gliomas: Clinical article


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Object. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) is an alternative to shunt placement in children with hydrocephalus due to tectal plate gliomas (TPGs). However, controversy remains regarding the amount of ventricular size reduction that should be expected after ETV. This study investigates ventricular size change after ETV for TPGs. Methods. Twenty-two children were identified from a 15-year retrospective database of neuroendoscopic procedures performed at the authors' institution, Children's Hospital of Alabama, in patients with a minimum of 1 year of follow-up. Clinical outcomes, including the need for further CSF diversion and symptom resolution, were recorded. The frontal and occipital horn ratio (FOR) was measured on pre- and postoperative, 1-year, and last follow-up imaging studies. Results. In 17 (77%) of 22 children no additional procedure for CSF diversion was required. Of those in whom CSF diversion failed, 4 underwent successful repeat ETV and 1 required shunt replacement. Therefore, in 21 (96%) of 22 patients, CSF diversion was accomplished with ETV. Preoperative and postoperative imaging was available for 18 (82%) of 22 patients. The FOR decreased in 89% of children who underwent ETV. The FOR progressively decreased 1.7%, 11.2%, and 12.7% on the initial postoperative, 1-year, and last follow-up images, respectively. The mean radiological follow-up duration for 18 patients was 5.4 years. When ETV failed, the FOR increased at the time of failure in all patients. Failure occurred 1.6 years after initial ETV on average. The mean clinical follow-up period for all 22 patients was 5.3 years. In all cases clinical improvement was demonstrated at the last follow-up. Conclusions. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy successfully treated hydrocephalus in the extended follow-up period of patients with TPGs. The most significant reduction in ventricular size was observed at the the 1-year follow-up, with only modest reduction thereafter. ?AANS, 2013.
机译:目的。内窥镜第三脑室造口术(ETV)是由于钢板顶盖神经胶质瘤(TPG)导致脑积水患儿分流放置的另一种选择。然而,关于ETV后应减少的心室尺寸减少的数量仍存在争议。这项研究调查了EPG后TPG的心室大小变化。方法。从在阿拉巴马州儿童医院的作者机构进行的为期15年的神经内镜手术回顾性数据库中,对22名儿童进行了至少1年的随访。记录临床结局,包括需要进一步的CSF转移和症状缓解。在术前和术后,1年和最后一次随访影像学研究中测量额角和枕角比率(FOR)。结果。在22名儿童中,有17名(77%)无需进行其他的CSF转移手术。在脑脊液转移失败的患者中,有4例成功进行了重复ETV,有1例需要分流替换。因此,在22例患者中的21例(96%)中,ETV可实现脑脊液转移。 22位患者中有18位(82%)可以进行术前和术后影像检查。接受ETV的儿童中,有FOR的比例下降了89%。在最初的术后,1年和最后一次随访图像上,FOR分别逐渐减少了1.7%,11.2%和12.7%。 18例患者的平均影像学随访时间为5。4年。当ETV失败时,所有患者在失败时的FOR均增加。平均在最初的ETV出现1.6年后发生故障。所有22例患者的平均临床随访期为5。3年。在所有情况下,最后一次随访均显示出临床改善。结论。内镜第三脑室造口术在TPG患者的延长随访期内成功治疗了脑积水。在1年的随访中观察到了最大的心室大小减少,此后仅适度减少。 ?AANS,2013年。



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