首页> 外文期刊>Journal of near infrared spectroscopy >Developing robust faecal near infrared spectroscopy calibrations to predict diet dry matter digestibility in cattle consuming tropical forages

Developing robust faecal near infrared spectroscopy calibrations to predict diet dry matter digestibility in cattle consuming tropical forages


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Various studies, mainly from temperate areas, have reported calibrations developed from the near infrared (NIR) spectra of faeces (F.NIRS) for predicting diet digestibility in ruminants and there has been substantial variation in predictive accuracy as indicated by calibration and validation statistics. The present study was conducted to develop and examine the reliability and robustness of F.NIRS calibration equations to estimate dry matter digestibility (DMD) of forage diets ingested by cattle grazing in the rangelands of northern Australia. A large and diverse calibration data set of matched diet-faecal pairs was obtained over 10 years using three sampling methods: (1) grazed pasture with diet samples collected from oesophageal fistulated steers and faeces collected from resident cattle; (2) in vivo digestibility experiments with penned cattle fed forage hays; and (3) penned cattle fed pasture freshly harvested from the field. Estimated in vivo DMD reference values were determined using pepsin-cellulase in vitro analysis of diet samples. The final calibration set of 1052 samples represented 264 diets with DMD ranging from 38% to 75%. Calibration statistics for DMD% were: standard error of calibration=1.87, standard error of cross validation=1.91, and the coefficient of determination, r~2=0.90. Factors of particular importance, with regard to the accuracy of DMD reference values, are identified and discussed and recommendations made for minimising reference errors. A comprehensive series of independent validation tests was conducted by selecting validation sample sets from the entire sample set according to a range of criteria. Each validation sub-set was tested using the calibration calculated from the remainder of the sample set. These tests showed that sampling method and experimental site often had important effects on calibration statistics and performance and also that the standard error of performance of the overall calibration would likely be <2.5 DMD percentage units when applied to samples sourced from regions and pasture types represented in the calibration. Despite the large size and diversity of the calibration data set it was concluded that robustness would likely be improved by expansion of the calibration data set.
机译:各种主要来自温带地区的研究都报告了根据粪便(F.NIRS)的近红外(NIR)光谱开发的用于预测反刍动物饮食消化率的校准方法,如校准和验证统计数据所示,预测准确性存在很大差异。进行本研究是为了开发和检验F.NIRS校准方程式的可靠性和稳健性,以估计澳大利亚北部牧场放牧的牛所摄食的饲用饲料的干物质消化率(DMD)。使用三种采样方法,在10年中获得了多种多样的匹配的日粮和粪便的校准数据集:(1)用从食管f裂ste牛和居民牛粪便中采集的饲料样本进行放牧的牧场; (2)饲喂饲草干草的圈养牛的体内消化率实验; (3)饲喂从田间新鲜收获的牧场的带笔牛。使用胃蛋白酶-纤维素酶体外分析饮食样本来确定估计的体内DMD参考值。最终的1052个样品的校准集代表了264种日粮,其DMD为38%至75%。 DMD%的校准统计数据为:校准标准误差= 1.87,交叉验证标准误差= 1.91,测定系数r〜2 = 0.90。确定并讨论了有关DMD参考值准确性的特别重要的因素,并提出了一些建议,以最大程度地减少参考误差。通过根据一系列标准从整个样本集中选择验证样本集,进行了一系列全面的独立验证测试。每个验证子集均使用根据其余样本集计算得出的校准进行测试。这些测试表明,采样方法和实验地点通常对校准统计数据和性能有重要影响,并且当将整体校准性能的标准误差应用于来自图2所示区域和牧场类型的样品时,其标准误差可能<2.5 DMD百分比单位。校准。尽管校准数据集的大小和多样性很大,但可以得出结论,通过扩展校准数据集可能会提高鲁棒性。



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