首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance >Porous Alumina Template by Selective Dissolution of Ni from Sintered Al2O3-Ni Composite

Porous Alumina Template by Selective Dissolution of Ni from Sintered Al2O3-Ni Composite


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In the present study, porous alumina template was fabricated by selective dissolution of Ni from the pressureless sintered Al2O3-Ni. Alumina and Ni powders of 99.9% purity were subjected to ball milling (200 rpm, 1 h, 10:1 ball-to-powder weight ratio) in order to get homogeneous mechanical mixture. The milled powder was compacted using hydraulic press under the uniaxial pressure of 400 MPa for 1 min, and the pressureless sintering was carried out in reducing atmosphere (H-2) at 1400 A degrees C. Ni was then selectively and completely dissolved from the 1-mm-thick sintered disk of diameter 16 mm in 1 M HCl + 3 wt.% FeCl3 solution to get the porous template of alumina. The porous alumina template was found to have sufficient compressive strength. BET, x-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy studies along with energy dispersive spectroscopy were performed to study microstructural evolutions, bonding characteristics, and distributions of Ni before and after the dissolution of the sintered composite.
机译:在本研究中,通过从无压烧结的Al2O3-Ni中选择性溶解Ni来制备多孔氧化铝模板。对纯度为99.9%的氧化铝和Ni粉进行球磨(200 rpm,1 h,球粉重量比为10:1),以获得均匀的机械混合物。使用液压机在400 MPa的单轴压力下将研磨后的粉末压实1分钟,然后在还原气氛(H-2)中于1400 A的温度下进行无压烧结。然后从Ni中选择性地将Ni完全溶解在1 M HCl + 3 wt。%FeCl3溶液中,将直径16 mm的厚度为-mm的烧结圆盘制成氧化铝多孔模板。发现该多孔氧化铝模板具有足够的抗压强度。进行了BET,x射线衍射,光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜以及能量分散光谱研究,以研究在烧结复合材料溶解之前和之后Ni的微观结构演变,结合特性和分布。



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