首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance >Formation of recrystallization cube texture in high purity face-centered cubic metal sheets

Formation of recrystallization cube texture in high purity face-centered cubic metal sheets


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An investigation on recrystallization textures in high purity face-centered cubic (fcc) aluminum, copper; and nickel indicated that the cube texture is a unique dominant final texture. In a macroview of rolling deformation, a balanced activation of four slip systems can result in certain stability of some substructure with cube orientation in the deformed matrix. In the stable substructure the dislocation density is very low, and the dislocation configuration is rather simple in comparison to other orientations so that the cube substructure can easily be transformed into cube recrystallization nuclei by a recovery process. A high orientation gradient and correspondingly high angle boundaries to the deformed matrix are usually expected around the cube nuclei, which, therefore, grow rapidly. After the primary recrystallization, the size of cube grains is much larger than the grains with other orientations, which will be expensed as the cube grains grow further, so that the cube texture can finally become a dominant texture component.



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