首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Chemistry, A. Materials for energy and sustainability >Rechargeable Li//Br battery: a promising platform for post lithium ion batteries

Rechargeable Li//Br battery: a promising platform for post lithium ion batteries


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A rechargeable lithium battery, Li//Br, is reported using an aqueous bromide/tribromide redox pair and a coated lithium metal as the positive and negative electrodes, respectively. The positive Br-2 electrode shows fast redox kinetics and good stability. This battery presents excellent electrochemical performance with an average discharge voltage up to 3.96 V at 1.7 mA cm(-2), an energy density of 1220 Wh kg(-1), a power density of 29.7 mW cm(-2) at a current density of 12.8 mA cm(-2), and a long cycling life. There is no evidence of voltage decrease after 100 cycles at 35% DOD. It would become a good platform between lithium ion batteries and Li//air batteries since the former shows lower energy density and the latter has some challenging problems that need to be solved prior to practical application. This finding presents another promising choice for electrochemical energy storage systems.
机译:据报道,可充电锂电池Li // Br分别使用溴化氢/三溴化氢的氧化还原对和包覆的锂金属作为正极和负极。 Br-2正极显示出快速的氧化还原动力学和良好的稳定性。该电池具有出色的电化学性能,在1.7 mA cm(-2)时的平均放电电压高达3.96 V,在电流下的能量密度为1220 Wh kg(-1),功率密度为29.7 mW cm(-2)。密度达12.8 mA cm(-2),循环寿命长。没有证据表明在35%的DOD下经过100次循环后电压会下降。这将成为锂离子电池和Li //空气电池之间的一个良好平台,因为前者显示出较低的能量密度,而后者具有一些具有挑战性的问题,需要在实际应用之前解决。这一发现为电化学储能系统提供了另一个有希望的选择。



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