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Structure and characterization of AgfB from Salmonella enteritidis thin aggregative fimbriae.


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The agfBAC operon of Salmonella enteritidis encodes thin aggregative fimbriae, fibrous, polymeric structures primarily composed of AgfA fimbrins. Although uncharacterized, AgfB shows a 51 % overall amino acid sequence similarity to AgfA. Using AgfB epitope-specific antiserum, AgfB was detected as a minor component of whole, purified fimbriae. Like AgfA, AgfB was released from purified fimbriae by >70 % formic acid, whereupon both AgfA-AgfA and AgfA-AgfB dimers as well as monomers were detected. This suggested that AgfB may form specific, highly stable, structural associations with AgfA in native fimbrial filaments, associations that were weakened in structurally unstable fibers derived from AgfA chimeric fimbrial mutants. Detailed sequence comparisons between AgfA and AgfB showed that AgfB harbored a similar fivefold repeated sequence pattern (x(6)QxGx(2)NxAx(3)Q), and contained structural motifs similar to the parallel beta helix model proposed for AgfA. Molecular modeling of AgfB revealed a 3D structure remarkably similar to that of AgfA, the structures differing principally in the surface disposition of non-conserved, basic, acidic and non-polar residues. Thus AgfB is a fimbrin-like structural homologue of AgfA and an integral, minor component of native thin aggregative fimbrial fibers. AgfB from an agfA deletion strain was detected as a non-fimbrial, SDS-insoluble form in the supernatant and was purified. AgfA from an agfB deletion strain was found in both SDS-soluble and insoluble, non-fimbrial forms. No AgfA-AgfA dimers were detected in the absence of AgfB. Fimbriae formation by intercellular complementation between agfB and agfA deletion strains could not be shown under a variety of conditions, indicating that AgfA and AgfB are not freely diffusible in S. enteritidis. This has important implications on the current assembly hypothesis for thin aggregative fimbriae. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.
机译:肠炎沙门氏菌的agfBAC操纵子编码主要由AgfA纤维蛋白组成的聚集性纤细纤维状聚合物结构。尽管未表征,但AgfB与AgfA的总体氨基酸序列相似性为51%。使用AgfB表位特异性抗血清,检测到AgfB是整个纯化菌毛的次要成分。像AgfA一样,AgfB由纯化的菌毛中> 70%的甲酸释放,随后检测到AgfA-AgfA和AgfA-AgfB二聚体以及单体。这表明AgfB可能与天然纤维丝中的AgfA形成特定的,高度稳定的结构缔合,而这种关联在源自AgfA嵌合纤维突变体的结构不稳定的纤维中会减弱。 AgfA和AgfB之间的详细序列比较显示,AgfB包含类似的五重重复序列模式(x(6)QxGx(2)NxAx(3)Q),并包含类似于为AgfA提出的平行β螺旋模型的结构基序。 AgfB的分子建模揭示了与AgfA非常相似的3D结构,该结构主要区别在于非保守,碱性,酸性和非极性残基的表面位置。因此,AgfB是AgfA的纤维蛋白样结构同源物,是天然细聚集纤维纤维的不可或缺的次要成分。来自agfA缺失菌株的AgfB被检测为上清液中的非纤维状,SDS不溶形式,并进行了纯化。发现来自agfB缺失菌株的AgfA具有SDS可溶性和不溶性非纤维形式。在没有AgfB的情况下没有检测到AgfA-AgfA二聚体。在各种条件下均无法显示agfB和agfA缺失菌株之间细胞间互​​补引起的菌毛形成,表明AgfA和AgfB在肠炎沙门氏菌中不能自由扩散。这对当前针对薄聚集菌毛的装配假说具有重要意义。版权所有2001学术出版社。



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