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Superoxide dismutase folding/unfolding pathway: role of the metal ions in modulating structural and dynamical features.


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The unfolding and refolding of a monomeric mutant of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase was investigated by NMR spectroscopy in the copper-reduced form and by using guanidinium chloride as denaturing agent. It is found that the protein gives rise to a series of intermediates at low guanidinium concentration and to a globular unfolded state at a guanidinium concentration higher than 3.5 M, which closely resembles a random coil structure, but with a high degree of compactness. At 1.9 M guanidinium, the intermediate and unfolded forms are present in equimolar ratio. The intermediate states show changes in the 1H and 15N chemical shifts with respect to the native protein. The perturbations on the signals occur at different GdmCl concentrations for different regions of the protein. The residues affected first are located in the loops and in the beta3 strand, followed by changes in the sheet formed by beta4, beta5, beta7, beta8 strands. The transition into the unfolded structure implies the detachment of the metal ions from the native coordination sites, even if non-specific interactions with the metal ions remain. R(1), R(2), [1H]-15N NOE, and CLEANEX experiments provide information on the mobility at the various stages showing how protein rigidity is lost during unfolding. The whole process is reversible. The oxidized species behaves in a similar way. The apo protein shows formation of 50% of the unfolded species at a guanidinium concentration of 0.4 M, thus demonstrating the importance of metal ions with respect to the unfolding process and protein structure stability. Hints to understand the whole folding process are obtained and discussed.
机译:铜-锌超氧化物歧化酶的单体突变体的解折叠和重折叠通过NMR光谱法以还原铜的形式并使用氯化胍作为变性剂进行了研究。发现该蛋白质在低胍盐浓度下产生一系列中间体,并在高于3.5 M的胍盐浓度下产生球形未折叠状态,该状态与无规卷曲结构非常相似,但具有高度的致密性。在1.9 M胍时,中间体和未折叠形式以等摩尔比存在。中间状态显示了相对于天然蛋白质的1H和15N化学位移的变化。对于蛋白质的不同区域,信号的扰动在不同的GdmCl浓度下发生。首先受影响的残基位于环和beta3链中,然后是由beta4,beta5,beta7,beta8链形成的薄片的变化。即使保留与金属离子的非特异性相互作用,向未折叠结构的过渡也意味着金属离子会从天然配位位点脱离。 R(1),R(2),[1H] -15N NOE和CLEANEX实验提供了有关各个阶段迁移率的信息,这些信息显示了蛋白质在展开过程中如何失去刚性。整个过程是可逆的。氧化物质的行为类似。载脂蛋白在胍浓度为0.4 M时显示出50%的未折叠物质的形成,因此证明了金属离子在展开过程和蛋白质结构稳定性方面的重要性。获得并讨论了了解整个折叠过程的提示。



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