首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Biology >Evolutionary stabilization of the gene-3-protein of phage fd reveals the principles that govern the thermodynamic stability of two-domain proteins.

Evolutionary stabilization of the gene-3-protein of phage fd reveals the principles that govern the thermodynamic stability of two-domain proteins.


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The gene-3-protein (G3P) of filamentous phage is essential for their propagation. It consists of three domains. The CT domain anchors G3P in the phage coat, the N2 domain binds to the F pilus of Escherichia coli and thus initiates infection, and the N1 domain continues by interacting with the TolA receptor. Phage are thus only infective when the three domains of G3P are tightly linked, and this requirement is exploited by Proside, an in vitro selection method for proteins with increased stability. In Proside, a repertoire of variants of the protein to be stabilized is inserted between the N2 and the CT domains of G3P. Stabilized variants can be selected because they resist cleavage by a protease and thus maintain the essential linkage between the domains. The method is limited by the proteolytic stability of G3P itself. We improved the stability of G3P by subjecting the phage without a guest protein to rounds of random in vivo mutagenesis and proteolytic Proside selections. Variants of G3P with one to four mutations were selected, and the temperature at which the corresponding phage became accessible for a protease increased in a stepwise manner from 40 degrees C to almost 60 degrees C. The N1-N2 fragments of wild-type gene-3-protein and of the four selected variants were purified and their stabilities towards thermal and denaturant-induced unfolding were determined. In the biphasic transitions of these proteins domain dissociation and unfolding of N2 occur in a concerted reaction in the first step, followed by the independent unfolding of domain N1 in the second step. N2 is thus less stable than N1, and it unfolds when the interactions with N1 are broken. The strongest stabilizations were caused by mutations in domain N2, in particular in its hinge subdomain, which provides many stabilizing interactions between the N1 and N2 domains. These results reveal how the individual domains and their assembly contribute to the overall stability of two-domain proteins and how mutations are optimally placed to improve the stability of such proteins.
机译:丝状噬菌体的基因3蛋白(G3P)对它们的繁殖至关重要。它包含三个域。 CT结构域将G3P锚定在噬菌体外壳中,N2结构域与大肠杆菌F菌毛结合,从而引发感染,并且N1结构域通过与TolA受体相互作用而继续。因此,只有在G3P的三个结构域紧密相连时,噬菌体才具有感染力,而Proside则利用了这一要求,Proside是一种具有更高稳定性的蛋白质的体外选择方法。在Proside中,将要稳定化的蛋白质变体库插入N2和G3P的CT结构域之间。可以选择稳定的变体,因为它们可以抵抗蛋白酶的切割,因此可以维持结构域之间的必要连接。该方法受到G3P本身蛋白水解稳定性的限制。我们通过对无客体蛋白的噬菌体进行几轮随机的体内诱变和蛋白水解Proside选择来提高G3P的稳定性。选择具有一到四个突变的G3P变体,相应的噬菌体可被蛋白酶接近的温度从40摄氏度逐步升高到几乎60摄氏度。野生型基因的N1-N2片段纯化了3种蛋白质和4种选择的变体,并确定了它们对热和变性剂诱导的展开的稳定性。在这些蛋白质的双相转变中,第一步中协同反应发生结构域解离和N2展开,随后在第二步中结构域N1独立展开。因此,N2不如N1稳定,并且当与N1的相互作用中断时,它会展开。最强的稳定化作用是由域N2中的突变引起的,尤其是其铰链亚结构域的突变,后者在N1和N2域之间提供了许多稳定的相互作用。这些结果揭示了单个结构域及其组装如何对两结构域蛋白的整体稳定性作出贡献,以及如何最佳地放置突变以改善此类蛋白的稳定性。



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