首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility >Coupling of kinesin ATP turnover to translocation and microtubule regulation: one engine, many machines.

Coupling of kinesin ATP turnover to translocation and microtubule regulation: one engine, many machines.


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The cycle of ATP turnover is integral to the action of motor proteins. Here we discuss how variation in this cycle leads to variation of function observed amongst members of the kinesin superfamily of microtubule associated motor proteins. Variation in the ATP turnover cycle among superfamily members can tune the characteristic kinesin motor to one of the range of microtubule-based functions performed by kinesins. The speed at which ATP is hydrolysed affects the speed of translocation. The ratio of rate constants of ATP turnover in relation to association and dissociation from the microtubule influence the processivity of translocation. Variation in the rate-limiting step of the cycle can reverse the way in which the motor domain interacts with the microtubule producing non-motile kinesins. Because the ATP turnover cycle is not fully understood for the majority of kinesins, much work remains to show how the kinesin engine functions in such a wide variety of molecular machines.
机译:ATP周转周期是运动蛋白作用不可或缺的部分。在这里,我们讨论在这个周期中的变化如何导致微管相关运动蛋白驱动蛋白超家族成员之间观察到的功能变化。超家族成员之间ATP周转周期的变化可以将特征性驱动蛋白运动调节到由驱动蛋白执行的一系列基于微管的功能中的一种。 ATP水解的速度会影响转运的速度。 ATP转换速率常数与微管缔合和解离的比率会影响易位性。循环的限速步骤的变化可以逆转运动域与产生非运动型驱动蛋白的微管相互作用的方式。由于大多数驱动蛋白尚未完全理解ATP转换周期,因此仍有许多工作要做,以显示驱动蛋白引擎在如此众多的分子机器中如何发挥作用。



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