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SSL - A Big Step out of the Poverty Trap for the BOP!


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In this paper we discuss the real cost of fuel based lighting in the developing world and in comparison the incredible wealth creating prospects associated with safe, healthy and affordable solid state lighting (SSL), based on renewable energy (RE) and Micro Credit (MC). SSL technology and a number of SSL projects promoted by the Light Up The World Foundation (LUTW) are presented. A multi stake holder approach for the accelerated adoption of SSL in the developing world is proposed in order that those at the Base of the Pyramid (BOP) can get onto the first rung of the ladder of economic progress. The potential contributions of SSL to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the fundamental importance of MC are discussed in detail. The wholesale adoption of SSL by the BOP would be an added 'incentive' for the Top and Middle of the Pyramid to also adopt SSL wholesale. A Bottom Up plus a Top Down adoption of SSL can help combat climate change. LUTW promotes SSL systems for the benefit of the world's poor, and its strategy is in line with the Jeffrey Sachs plan for the developed world to help the developing world pull itself up by its own bootstraps.
机译:在本文中,我们讨论了发展中国家基于燃料的照明的实际成本,并比较了基于可再生能源(RE)和小额信贷(MC)的与安全,健康和负担得起的固态照明(SSL)相关的令人难以置信的财富创造前景)。介绍了SSL技术和由Light Up The World Foundation(LUTW)推动的许多SSL项目。提出了一种在发展中国家加快采用SSL的多方利益相关者方法,以使金字塔底层(BOP)的那些人能够进入经济发展阶梯的第一个梯级。详细讨论了SSL对千年发展目标(MDG)的潜在贡献以及MC的根本重要性。 BOP对SSL的全面采用将为金字塔的顶部和中部也采用SSL批发提供额外的“激励”。自下而上加上自上而下采用SSL可以帮助应对气候变化。 LUTW促进SSL系统造福于世界穷人,其战略与Jeffrey Sachs针对发达国家的计划相一致,以帮助发展中国家通过自己的引导程序振作起来。



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