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Tomato quality starts with the soil


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Quality in tomatoes means different things to different people. Dr. Charlie Rick, the late U.C. Davis geneticist and leading expert on the tomato, said that if you wanted a great tasting tomato you should grow it yourself and pick it fresh. In production agriculture, quality often extends beyond flavor to appearance and nutritional quality. For example, the most important limitation to cost efficiency in production and processing of tomatoes intended for whole-peel and diced products are physiological disorders that affect the color of the fruit. Because the pigments that make tomato fruit red are pro-vitamin A and lycopene, poor color translates into less nutritious fruit. Color disorders affect as much as 65 percent of the processing tomato crop.Therefore the potential cost to farmers and processors is high.
机译:西红柿的品质对不同的人意味着不同的事物。英国已故查理·里克博士戴维斯(David Davis)的番茄遗传学家和首席专家说,如果您想品尝一个美味的番茄,则应自己种植并新鲜采摘。在生产型农业中,质量通常超出风味到外观和营养质量。例如,用于全皮和切丁产品的西红柿的生产和加工成本效率上最重要的限制是影响水果颜色的生理障碍。因为使番茄果实变红的色素是维生素A和番茄红素,所以较差的颜色会转化为营养较少的水果。色病影响了多达65%的加工番茄作物,因此对农民和加工商的潜在成本很高。



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